| AIG - Houston - Bike the Gulf | 30 |
| Asakura Robinson - Bike the Gulf | 22 |
| Avis Budget Group (Global) - Houston Hobby - Bike the Gulf | 89 |
| BikeHouston - Bike the Gulf | 35 |
| BINKLEYBARFIELD DCCM - Bike the Gulf | 365 |
| BP Houston - Bike the Gulf | 4500 |
| City of Cleveland - Bike the Gulf | 120 |
| City of Cleveland - Bike the Gulf | 120 |
| City of Houston - Bike the Gulf | 19000 |
| Clean Water Action - Bike the Gulf | 1 |
| Consor - Houston Office - Bike the Gulf | 78 |
| Cool Cat Cycles - Bike the Gulf | 4 |
| Design Workshop - Bike the Gulf | 8 |
| District I Purple Peddlers - Bike the Gulf | 7 |
| EaDo Bike Co - Bike the Gulf | 13 |
| East End District - Bike the Gulf | 10 |
| Electric Avenue Bikes - Houston - Bike the Gulf | 6 |
| Forever Tri - Bike the Gulf | 1 |
| Genesis Engineering, LLC - Bike the Gulf | 5 |
| Harris County - Bike the Gulf | 13000 |
| Harris County Precinct 2 - Bike the Gulf | 50 |
| Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner Briones - Bike the Gulf | 80 |
| Hotel Lucine - Bike the Gulf | 50 |
| Houston-Galveston Area Concil - Bike the Gulf | 1 |
| Houston-Galveston Area Council - Bike the Gulf | 220 |