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Houston boasts 345 miles of biking opportunities including a variety of bike routes, shared lanes, and multi-use paths. For those looking for added fun, there are 80 miles of natural, bikeable trails, a mountain bike park, and one of fewer than 30 velodromes in the U.S.
Check out the Club Shop Rides below.
Some of our most popular paths are available to explore most of the year. With ideal temperatures most months, flat terrain, and cycling clubs of all levels, here are a few you should check out with a few friends:
Brays Bayou Greenway Trail
Buffalo Bayou Trail
George Bush Park Hike and Bike Trail
Spring Creek Greenway
Heights Hike and Bike Trail
Brays Bayou Connector Trail
Seabrook Hike and Bike Trail System
Explore just over ten miles of trails connecting Seabrook parks. Includes both gravel and shared path.
David Braun Park at Lake Nassau
Offers more than six miles of 10-foot wide paved and shared pathtrails available for biking.
League City Nature Hike & Bike Trails
The scenic trail system winds its way from one end of the city to the other, excellent for nature-watching.
Check out the link below for more trails:
National Trail Map for Biking, Walking, and Hiking by TrailLink
1st MONDAY of the Month
Karbach Brews Cruise – social pace, start varies.
2nd MONDAY of the Month
Margarita Monday Ride
Where: meet at Yucatan Taco Stand (24 Waterway) - When: 7 pm. Roll out at 7:30 pm - Details: 12-15 miles, social pace, no drop. Midpoint Los Cucos for $2 Margaritas.Check out the FB page here.
West End Memorial Park Start
Where: Meet at Memorial Park Pool - When: 6:30 pm sharp - Details: 26 Miles A group-22-28mph B group 18-22mph
SW HTX Bike Club
Where: Sugar Land Town Square - When: 7 pm - Details: 20 miles, Social Ride See the Facebook group.
Bike Polo
Where: Carnegie Vanguard High School - When: 8 pm - Details: Houston Bike Polo Facebook group.
Haardvark Tuesday
Where: Clearlake Blvd - When: 7 pm - Details: Fast 23mph+, 30miles with lots of sprints zones and Keemah Bridge Wheels down at 7 pm: HWY3 @ Clearlake Blvd – Lights/Helmets – 2 water stops.
Tuesday Night Worlds
Where: Handlebar Cyclery - When: 6:15 pm - Details: A & B Group 30miles
Pride Bike Ride Houston
Where: Meeting at Hamburger Mary’s 2409 Grant St. Houston, Tx 77006. When: 7 pm. Roll out at 7:30 pm sharp. Details: This is a social pace and each ride is approximately 15-20 miles. The route will be posted in the Facebook group prior to the ride.
3rd TUESDAY of the Month
Woodlands Taco Tuesday
Where: Guadalajara, Lake Woodlands Dr. - When: Meet up at 7:00 pm, Roll at 7:30 pm - Details: 12-15 miles, casual pace, Midpoint Various Locations serving Tacos. The Woodlands Bike SociaI Facebook Page.
Blue Line Bike Lab
Where: White Oak Location - When: 7 pm - Details: 30 miles, A, B & C groups Blue Line Bike Lab Facebook.
Where: 2305 Wheeler - When: Depart 7:00 pm - Details: social ride. Tour De Hood Facebook Page.
NorthWest Social Cycling Scene
Where: Northwest Cycles – 290 & Jones - When: 7 pm. Details: 20-ish miles, 16mph pace. Jersey Village Cycling Page.
Jack Brooks Trail Group Ride
Details: Ride Houston’s premier MTB trail with the best out there. No drop, fast/med/slow groups depending on turnout. JACK BROOKS TRAILS Facebook Group.
When: meets at D&W at 7 pm, rolls out at 7:15 pm - Details: 1st Wed: Single Speed. 2nd & 4th Wed: Fast Ride. 3rd Wed: Social Ride. Check the group page for full details & Weekend Rides.
Sugar Cycles Wednesdays
Where: Sharp Sugar Cycles Store - When: 6 pm - Details: 20 miles, very fast 23mph+ sprint zones – lights/helmets required
West End Memorial Park
Where: Meet at Memorial Park Pool - When: 6:30 pm sharp - Details: 26 Miles A group-22-28mph B group 18-22mph
Bike Polo
Where: Carnegie Vanguard High School - When: 8:00 pm - Details: Check out the Houston Bike Polo Facebook page.
Liquor & Wood Bike Crew Social Thursdays
Where: 3509 Harrisburg. When: 7:30 pm. Details: 15-20 Miles at a social ride pace. Friends Who Like Liquor & Wood Bike Crew Facebook Group.
The Woodlands Thirsty Thursday Ride
Where: When: 7:30 PM roll out. Casual group is 12-15 miles, 14-16 mph Meet at Whole Foods, Lake Woodlands Dr. The Woodlands Bike SociaI Group.
South Houston Cycling
Where: 1500 Main St. South Houston, Texas 77587. When: 7:30 pm Roll out SHARP! Details: 20 miles, 19 to 21 MPH. Be prepared to pick up the pace in the home stretch. See South Houston Cycling Facebook Group for more details.
1st FRIDAY of the Month
Crucial Matter – Tour De Taco Ride
Where: Market Square Park When: 7:20pm, Social Ride. Crucial Matter Facebook Page.
2nd FRIDAY of the Month
Where: meet @ Whole Foods on 701 Waugh Drive - When: 7:00 pm - Details: social pace 16-24 miles @ 14-15 mph – Interesting stops and events. HTX BIKE SOCIAL Facebook Group.
3rd FRIDAY of the Month
Crucial Matter – Raspa & Elote Ride
Where: Market Square Park - When: 7:20 pm - Details: Social Ride Crucial Matter Facebook Page
1st SATURDAY of the Month
Houston Randonneurs
When: departure times vary - Details: 1st Saturday of the month, rides are 200, 300, 400, 600, and 1000km, $25 annual membership is required. For more information see Houston Randonneurs Website.
Urban Bike Gallery
Where: 4814 Nett Street When: 8 am, 22 miles at 16-22 mph (A, B, C groups depending on riders that show up) Urban Bicycle Gallery Website.
Ice Cream Ride
Where: Meet at Happy Fatz - When: 9:30 am sharp - Details: 27 miles, 18-22mph pace.
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