Drive Less, Bike More

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st bob h 648 9
2nd Joseph Perez 556 18
3rd Tom Keller 549 15
4th Mike Schadauer 378 17
5th Nico #Asd Tombelle 377 6
6th Simon Miller 374 12
7th Cindy Jorgenson 370 54
8th Cameron Tongier 368 8
9th Greg Brown 363 9
10th Andy Stow 350 34
11th Doug Cornelius 346 21
12th Erin Harris 343 8
13th Donald Mears 334 12
14th Pamela Blalock 315 15
15th Louis Glaser 297 11
16th Dawn Barr 293 7
17th Paul Le Fevre 291 7
18th Scott Myers 282 5
19th Karen Chandler 276 11
20th Eric FroBerg 270 17
21st Kevin Bradley 269 13
22nd Michael Wright 264 16
23rd Marcel Michael 262 6
24th Terapia Tapioco 257 9
25th Andrew Broan 253 10
26th Claire Windsor 251 8
27th Anders Hopkins 251 6
28th John Ottenhoff 245 9
29th Howard Haber 245 7
30th Tsun Au Yeung 237 18

Top Riders (Most trips)

Name Miles Trips
1st Cindy Jorgenson 370 54
2nd Jacob Barker 113 37
3rd Andy Stow 350 34
4th Alec Chunn 49 34
5th Christopher Rios 193 29
6th Teresa Tafelmeyer 77 29
7th Rob Vandenabeele 60 26
8th Andrew Mack 33 25
9th Ed Miltner 191 24
10th Gary Grice 121 24
11th Janie K C 52 24
12th Matthieu Lynch 114 23
13th Ernie Jackson 157 22
14th Roderick De Jesus 101 22
15th Heather Halliday 91 22
16th Ash Phillips 47 22
17th Doug Cornelius 346 21
18th Trialsin 26 164 21
19th Nancy Maggs 124 21
20th James Hardie 85 21
21st Zack Mensinger 203 20
22nd Blank Boxman 189 20
23rd Edward King Smith 181 20
24th Shawn Woolsey 36 20
25th Raymond Walther 67 19
26th Jonathan Aurand 66 19
27th Regina Burstein 41 19
28th Joseph Perez 556 18
29th Tsun Au Yeung 237 18
30th Molly Garner 188 18

Top Male Rider (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st bob h 648 9
2nd Joseph Perez 556 18
3rd Tom Keller 549 15
4th Mike Schadauer 378 17
5th Nico #Asd Tombelle 377 6
6th Cameron Tongier 368 8
7th Doug Cornelius 346 21
8th Donald Mears 334 12
9th Paul Le Fevre 291 7
10th Scott Myers 282 5
11th Eric FroBerg 270 17
12th Michael Wright 264 16
13th Marcel Michael 262 6
14th Andrew Broan 253 10
15th Anders Hopkins 251 6
16th John Ottenhoff 245 9
17th Howard Haber 245 7
18th Tsun Au Yeung 237 18
19th Jim MacPherson 237 11
20th Georges Coppin 235 6
21st Will Carlson 233 6
22nd Martin Bernstine 233 3
23rd Abe Mc Eathron 227 15
24th Ethan Newman-Givens 222 15
25th Carl Nethercutt 221 12
26th David Gutierrez 209 15
27th Willem Bastiaens 204 7
28th Zack Mensinger 203 20
29th Tom Von Alten 202 13
30th Bruce LaMere 202 4

Top Female Rider (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Erin Harris 343 8
2nd Pamela Blalock 315 15
3rd Dawn Barr 293 7
4th Karen Chandler 276 11
5th Claire Windsor 251 8
6th Mimi F 216 11
7th Ann Mc Laughlin 215 4
8th Liz Walton 200 11
9th McKenna Nieves 198 4
10th Molly Garner 188 18
11th Yun Yi 170 6
12th Melissa Zammit 168 13
13th Mary R McGowan 162 9
14th Charlotte Billingsley 156 7
15th Sylvia Lustig 136 6
16th Barbara Orlandi 124 6
17th Nancy Maggs 124 21
18th La Ree Holcomb 118 5
19th Bridget Connolly 114 7
20th Susan Barrow 112 6
21st Kimberley Heuer 105 3
22nd Stefanie Hollmichel 104 14
23rd Marybeth Cooper 104 8
24th Janet Steinhagen 101 5
25th Julia Stace 98 3
26th Kelley Wegeng 94 6
27th Maura Douglas 94 6
28th Morgan Baumgardner 84 11
29th Lori Michaelson 83 2
30th Melanie Killam 82 2

Top Male New Rider

Top Female New Rider

Name Miles Trips
1st Barbara Orlandi 124 6
2nd Anna Plumb 44 3
3rd Lily Bostrom 29 1
4th Kate Andrews 24 2
5th Leslie Webb 20 11
6th Margaret Elwood 14 1
7th Lucinda Werner 10 3
8th Tavel Cowan 8.0 2
9th LeAnn Wylie 5.1 2
10th Sabrina Hakala 1.4 1

Top Commuters (Most days riding to work)

Name Miles Days
1st Trialsin 26 164 11
2nd Zack Mensinger 190 10
3rd John Ewing 195 9
4th Andy Stow 174 9
5th Blank Boxman 158 9
6th Ernie Jackson 150 9
7th Cindy Jorgenson 107 9
8th James (The English Vegan) Thorne â“‹ 93 9
9th Gary Grice 79 9
10th Jacob Barker 67 9
11th Nancy Maggs 54 9
12th Jonathan Aurand 53 9
13th Teresa Tafelmeyer 42 9
14th Connor Ryan 41 9
15th James Hardie 29 9
16th Liz Walton 179 8
17th Ed Miltner 172 8
18th Doug Cornelius 120 8
19th Jeffrey Roth 97 8
20th Derek Newbauer 84 8
21st Jesper Gadeberg 76 8
22nd Heather Halliday 61 8
23rd Dave Simmons 60 8
24th Christopher Rios 40 8
25th Carl Nethercutt 19 8
26th Robert Dahl 129 7
27th Stefanie Hollmichel 104 7
28th Dave Bergstrom 101 7
29th Matthieu Lynch 67 7
30th Damien M 43 7

Most trips from A to B

Name Miles Trips
1st Alec Chunn 49 34
2nd Jacob Barker 71 28
3rd Teresa Tafelmeyer 61 25
4th Rob Vandenabeele 45 25
5th Christopher Rios 57 24
6th Andrew Mack 22 24
7th Ed Miltner 175 23
8th Gary Grice 102 23
9th Trialsin 26 164 21
10th Ernie Jackson 152 21
11th Andy Stow 177 20
12th Cindy Jorgenson 111 20
13th Heather Halliday 64 20
14th Janie K C 32 20
15th Zack Mensinger 190 19
16th Matthieu Lynch 70 19
17th James Hardie 29 19
18th Ash Phillips 28 19
19th Blank Boxman 158 18
20th James (The English Vegan) Thorne â“‹ 93 18
21st Shawn Woolsey 23 18
22nd Derek Newbauer 84 16
23rd Jonathan Aurand 56 16
24th Molly Garner 128 15
25th Doug Cornelius 124 15
26th Dave Bergstrom 101 15
27th Nancy Maggs 59 15
28th Robert Dahl 129 14
29th Stefanie Hollmichel 104 14
30th Tsun Au Yeung 74 14

Most Rides with Kids

Drive Less, Bike More All time stats

  • 140 Workplaces
  • 5,529 People
  • 848 New riders
  • 12,580,384 Miles
  • 846,514 Rides
  • 1,014,546 lb CO2

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