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Matt Clark biked 5.2 kilometers to/from work
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Tony Phillips biked 8.7 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Jared Waters biked 3.7 kilometers to get somewhere

Top Encouragers

Jared Waters has encouraged 14 People to ride a bike.
Jacqui Rawson has encouraged 5 People to ride a bike.
Moonika Jaroslavskaja has encouraged 5 People to ride a bike.
Pete Marshall has encouraged 4 People to ride a bike.

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Total Score 9333 6060 3100 18493
Jared Waters 672 240 950 1862
Jacqui Rawson 1040 240 350 1630
Helen Gauden Ing 498 190 200 888
John Jacobs 470 280 0 750
Belinda Reburn - 2022 361 250 100 711

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Staff Count
Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Commercial - Building Services 20 125 110 0 235
Commercial - Electrical 4 42 30 0 72
Contract Support and Compliance 0 100 60 0 160
Corporate - Administration 8 230 110 50 390
Corporate - Technology 3 276 150 250 676
Fish Passage 5 153 120 250 523
Greenspaces 40 1446 510 100 2056
Greenspaces - Horticultural Parks 6 0 0 0 0
Greenspaces - Parks & Reserves 10 0 0 0 0
Greenspaces - Refuse & Recycling 10 0 0 0 0
Greenspaces - Turf 6 0 0 0 0
Health & Safety 3 267 400 650 1317
IT 1 236 160 0 396
Kūmānu Environmental - Arboriculture 10 50 140 0 190
Kumanu Environmental-Biosecurity 4 1187 630 950 2767
Kūmānu Environmental - Conservation 23 1273 950 150 2373
Kūmānu Environmental- Conservation Projects 20 234 190 0 424
Kūmānu Environmental - Landscape Architecture 6 571 490 100 1161
Kūmānu Environmental - Nursery 4 0 0 0 0
Kūmānu Environmental - Tracks 6 278 280 50 608
People & Culture 4 1683 660 550 2893
Tasman 25 666 440 0 1106
Water 10 161 70 0 231
Water - Treatment 12 146 140 0 286

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Distance (km)
Transport Trips
Kumanu Environmental-Biosecurity 4 7 24358 2119 1071
Commercial - Electrical 4 1 3059 173 11
Greenspaces 40 15 37090 1585 279
Water - Treatment 12 2 6273 472 70
Health & Safety 3 5 833 140 83
Kūmānu Environmental - Tracks 6 1 10770 755 374
Corporate - Administration 8 6 13509 585 129
Kūmānu Environmental - Arboriculture 10 5 1720 227 158
Corporate - Technology 3 1 26947 1741 506
Water 10 9 17406 1168 127
Kūmānu Environmental- Conservation Projects 20 4 1307 124 89
Greenspaces - Horticultural Parks 6 2 76 6 5
IT 1 2 11671 1039 100
People & Culture 4 5 8936 553 194
Kūmānu Environmental - Landscape Architecture 6 5 12440 1060 836
Fish Passage 5 4 688 109 81
Kūmānu Environmental - Conservation 23 12 21720 1664 801
Commercial - Building Services 20 2 3083 278 198
Greenspaces - Refuse & Recycling 10 1 20 3 0
Contract Support and Compliance 0 1 288 17 8
Kūmānu Environmental - Nursery 4 1 203 21 21
Greenspaces - Turf 6 0 0 0 0
Greenspaces - Parks & Reserves 10 2 176 20 18
Tasman 25 5 9372 970 458

Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Pete Marshall 26,947 1,741
2nd Simon Moore 21,282 652
3rd Jared Waters 19,191 1,457
4th Tony Phillips 12,572 1,020
5th Jeffrey Duncan 11,903 605
6th N STUART 11,553 1,024
7th Andy Evans 10,771 755
8th Matt Clark 10,767 847
9th Iain G 7,284 232
10th Jacqui Rawson 7,057 365
11th Dave Coles 6,144 406
12th Danyon Hutt 6,059 517
13th Allan Jones 5,998 428
14th Jonny Cook 5,640 490
15th Steve Wilson 5,637 272
16th Karen Inwood 4,325 225
17th Stu Lowe 3,498 139
18th Craig Spratt 3,060 173
19th John Jacobs 2,999 443
20th Samuele Michelini 2,354 79
21st Nick Sparks 2,082 459
22nd Cid Wilkie 1,748 128
23rd Tony Winterton 1,584 82
24th Malcolm Shaw 1,554 102
25th Daniel Rowe 1,500 196
26th Mike Orchard 1,277 100
27th Belinda Reburn - 2022 1,211 148
28th William Gander 1,128 78
29th Helen Gauden Ing 1,118 66
30th Joanna Taylor 1,057 59

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name km Trips
1st Pete Marshall 26,947 1,741
2nd Jared Waters 19,191 1,457
3rd N STUART 11,553 1,024
4th Tony Phillips 12,572 1,020
5th Matt Clark 10,767 847
6th Andy Evans 10,771 755
7th Simon Moore 21,282 652
8th Jeffrey Duncan 11,903 605
9th Danyon Hutt 6,059 517
10th Jonny Cook 5,640 490
11th Nick Sparks 2,082 459
12th John Jacobs 2,999 443
13th Allan Jones 5,998 428
14th Dave Coles 6,144 406
15th Jacqui Rawson 7,057 365
16th Steve Wilson 5,637 272
17th Iain G 7,284 232
18th Karen Inwood 4,325 225
19th Daniel Rowe 1,500 196
20th Craig Spratt 3,060 173
21st Belinda Reburn - 2022 1,211 148
22nd Stu Lowe 3,498 139
23rd Cid Wilkie 1,748 128
24th Mark Solly 658 118
25th Daniel Ingham 315 107
26th Malcolm Shaw 1,554 102
27th Mike Orchard 1,277 100
28th Tony Winterton 1,584 82
29th Adam Lumsden 1,000 81
30th Samuele Michelini 2,354 79

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name km Days
1st Matt Clark 7,526 481
2nd Jared Waters 2,864 339
3rd Pete Marshall 3,571 332
4th Tony Phillips 3,570 289
5th Nick Sparks 955 206
6th Andy Evans 1,624 195
7th John Jacobs 1,625 188
8th Daniel Rowe 1,426 160
9th N STUART 601 74
10th Jacqui Rawson 1,338 70
11th Mike Orchard 909 65
12th Jonny Cook 569 65
13th Cid Wilkie 449 47
14th Mark Solly 246 45
15th Helen Gauden Ing 647 44
16th Iain G 464 43
17th Danyon Hutt 368 43
18th Jeffrey Duncan 457 42
19th Peter Gilmer 228 34
20th Belinda Reburn - 2022 265 31
21st William Gander 245 29
22nd Erika Svarc 139 29
23rd George Thompson 254 28
24th Steve Wilson 306 27
25th Joanna Taylor 568 26
26th Bev Ansell 167 26
27th Dave Coles 369 25
28th Simon Moore 293 24
29th Jannis Link 155 24
30th Stephanie Hillis 113 23

Top Commuters (Most km Riding to Work)

Name km Trips
1st Matt Clark 7,526 732
2nd Pete Marshall 3,571 409
3rd Tony Phillips 3,570 410
4th Jared Waters 2,864 446
5th John Jacobs 1,625 282
6th Andy Evans 1,624 298
7th Daniel Rowe 1,426 173
8th Jacqui Rawson 1,338 83
9th Nick Sparks 955 291
10th Mike Orchard 909 70
11th Helen Gauden Ing 647 48
12th N STUART 601 75
13th Jonny Cook 569 69
14th Joanna Taylor 568 40
15th Iain G 464 47
16th Jeffrey Duncan 457 43
17th Cid Wilkie 449 49
18th Dave Coles 369 25
19th Danyon Hutt 368 45
20th Sam Whiting 346 29
21st Stu Lowe 338 4
22nd Steve Wilson 306 27
23rd Simon Moore 293 24
24th Robert Omlo 288 16
25th Linda Smaill 274 26
26th Belinda Reburn - 2022 265 37
27th George Thompson 254 42
28th Mark Solly 246 54
29th William Gander 245 37
30th Peter Gilmer 228 34

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  • 9,826 kg CO2

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