| Active Adventures - Queenstown Lakes | 14 |
| Altitude Brewing - Queenstown Lakes | 12 |
| Anderson Lloyd - Queenstown Lakes | 199 |
| APL Property (NZ) - APL ALL - Queenstown Lakes | 38 |
| Around The Basin - Queenstown Lakes | 12 |
| Around The Basin Bike Tours - Queenstown Lakes | 5 |
| Aspiring Law - Wanaka office - Queenstown Lakes | 11 |
| Aviation Security Service - Queenstown - Queenstown Lakes | 110 |
| Batchelar McDougall Consulting - Wanaka - Queenstown Lakes | 11 |
| Beca - Queenstown Office - Queenstown Lakes | 16 |
| Bidfood Queenstown - Queenstown - Queenstown Lakes | 110 |
| Boffa Miskell - Queenstown - Queenstown Lakes | 11 |
| Colliers Otago - Queenstown Lakes | 93 |
| Cook Brothers Construction - Southern Lakes - Queenstown Lakes | 60 |
| Darkside Media - Queenstown Lakes | 5 |
| Data Story - Queenstown Lakes | 6 |
| Department of Conservation (NZ) - WÄnaka & Central Otago - Queenstown Lakes | 49 |
| Department of Conservation (NZ) - Whakatipu (NZ) - Queenstown Lakes | 30 |
| Designgroup Stapleton Elliott - Queenstown - Queenstown Lakes | 4 |
| Destination Queenstown - Queenstown Lakes | 22 |
| Downer Queenstown - Queenstown Lakes | 7 |
| Educating Adventures - Queenstown Lakes | 9 |
| Environmental Accounting Services - Queenstown Lakes | 9 |
| European Bakery - Queenstown Lakes | 35 |
| Feast Creative - Queenstown Lakes | 7 |