Santa Cruz County

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st David Allen 505 12
2nd Noah Libeskind 409 7
3rd Detlef Adam 405 10
4th Brandon Buttchug 404 14
5th Shane Kloepfer 380 16
6th Jack Doherty 374 10
7th Eric Balfus 324 9
8th Ian Terry 316 14
9th Kelly McWaid 306 6
10th Andrew Heath 295 7
11th Andrew Cavaletto 287 10
12th Benjamin Charpy 🍺🏄🇫🇷 287 50
13th Anna Yamauchi 281 6
14th Justin Eatinger 268 7
15th Nicole Goebel 260 7
16th Sean Estes 258 10
17th Patrick Jackson 254 8
18th Aaron Robinson 248 4
19th Brent Carlson 242 8
20th Matthew Araujo 226 20
21st CP Pierce 220 9
22nd Judy Isvan 216 6
23rd Kathleen B. 216 6
24th Michael Burns 210 12
25th Nils Tikkanen 204 6
26th Nathan Delaney 204 13
27th Caroline Shaaya 203 8
28th Shyam Salem 202 4
29th Tim Bailey 201 9
30th Larry Narachi 197 4

Top Riders (Most trips)

Name Miles Trips
1st Benjamin Charpy 🍺🏄🇫🇷 287 50
2nd Zane Smith 74 43
3rd Hari Bartlett 148 27
4th Zackary Wallace 22 27
5th Lola Quiroga 52 23
6th Ksenia Crow 100 22
7th Nic Brummell 153 21
8th Karina Cuccia 31 21
9th Matthew Araujo 226 20
10th Matt Miller 169 20
11th Blaise Hamel 93 20
12th Tom Ginsburg 132 19
13th Peter Raimondi 112 19
14th Joanna Edmonds 71 19
15th Sarah Claus 128 18
16th Erin Alexander 51 18
17th Hector Torres 113 17
18th Eric Marlatt 87 17
19th Zachary Potter 58 17
20th Shane Kloepfer 380 16
21st EMERY TOWN 120 16
22nd Emily Burton 53 16
23rd Per Wessels 51 16
24th Grace Stetson 19 16
25th Steve Hess 189 15
26th Scott Chapin 129 15
27th Guido Cesare 70 15
28th Brandon Buttchug 404 14
29th Ian Terry 316 14
30th Tom Brady 180 14

Top Male Rider (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st David Allen 505 12
2nd Noah Libeskind 409 7
3rd Detlef Adam 405 10
4th Brandon Buttchug 404 14
5th Shane Kloepfer 380 16
6th Jack Doherty 374 10
7th Eric Balfus 324 9
8th Ian Terry 316 14
9th Andrew Heath 295 7
10th Andrew Cavaletto 287 10
11th Benjamin Charpy 🍺🏄🇫🇷 287 50
12th Justin Eatinger 268 7
13th Sean Estes 258 10
14th Patrick Jackson 254 8
15th Aaron Robinson 248 4
16th Brent Carlson 242 8
17th Matthew Araujo 226 20
18th Michael Burns 210 12
19th Nathan Delaney 204 13
20th Shyam Salem 202 4
21st Tim Bailey 201 9
22nd Larry Narachi 197 4
23rd Diego Gutierrez 196 6
24th Steve Hess 189 15
25th Nick Runtsch 188 10
26th Gregory Braithwaite 187 5
27th Rene Hernandez 186 9
28th Jeff Meyer 183 12
29th John Keating 181 8
30th Tom Brady 180 14

Top Female Rider (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Kelly McWaid 306 6
2nd Anna Yamauchi 281 6
3rd Nicole Goebel 260 7
4th CP Pierce 220 9
5th Judy Isvan 216 6
6th Kathleen B. 216 6
7th Caroline Shaaya 203 8
8th Julie Kanagy 184 5
9th K Mac 169 6
10th Tina Butler 158 10
11th Marine Lebrec 155 8
12th Jane Ferguson 151 7
13th Catherine Weber 150 4
14th Hari Bartlett 148 27
15th Mary Hart 134 3
16th Connie Gabriel Wilson 132 14
17th Hannah Anderson 128 3
18th Sarah Claus 128 18
19th Rachel Fenn 122 6
20th Nikki Shoemaker 121 10
21st Monica Hernandez 112 8
22nd Karyn Skemp 107 4
23rd Ivy Lui 104 5
24th Ksenia Crow 100 22
25th Eve Davidson 90 4
26th Vivian Gerstein 89 4
27th Bridge P 85 5
28th Julie Hymer 83 9
29th Noël Clark 83 4
30th Peggy Beard 83 2

Top Non-Binary Riders

Name Miles Trips
1st Lauren Freeman 121 5
2nd Zane Smith 74 43
3rd Naomi Rose 51 4
4th Karina Cuccia 31 21
5th Sara Passantino 18 1
6th Michael Johnston 15 1

Top Male New Rider

Name Miles Trips
1st Mason Jones 164 5
2nd Rod Cahill 55 2
3rd Joe Doty 51 3
4th Brian Duckart 49 2
5th Bill Cao 34 2
6th Jeff Roberts 30 1
7th Heber Montano 27 2
8th Joseph Estrada 6.4 1
9th Jordyn Taylor 4.6 1

Top Female New Rider

Name Miles Trips
1st Jamie Fend 33 1
2nd Lachael Prouty 19 1
3rd Krista Judge 7.3 1
4th Alyson Tom 6 3
5th Mina P 5.9 1
6th Sierra Keller 5.7 1
7th Alicia Stanton 1.2 1

Top Non-Binary New Riders

Top Commuters (Most days riding to work)

Name Miles Days
1st Matt Miller 67 11
2nd Sarah Claus 128 9
3rd Ksenia Crow 83 9
4th Blaise Hamel 74 9
5th Benjamin Charpy 🍺🏄🇫🇷 123 8
6th Matthew Araujo 98 8
7th Eric Marlatt 84 8
8th EMERY TOWN 100 7
9th Manny Figueroa 84 7
10th Nic Brummell 65 7
11th Peter Raimondi 50 7
12th Bill Schoenbart 45 7
13th Chloe Tushar 31 7
14th Ryan Meckel 29 7
15th Daniel Story 65 6
16th Quinn Rizal 58 6
17th Joanna Edmonds 49 6
18th Hari Bartlett 34 6
19th Rebecca Rockom 28 6
20th Zachary Potter 24 6
21st Emily Burton 21 6
22nd Bradley Olin 12 6
23rd Catrina Tellez 9.7 6
24th Adriana Chavez 8.9 6
25th Erick Leedberg 60 5
26th Dan Powers 56 5
27th Brandon Tinianov 54 5
28th Alia Sovereign 31 5
29th Scott Chapin 22 5
30th Max Swanger 20 5

Most trips from A to B

Name Miles Trips
1st Benjamin Charpy 🍺🏄🇫🇷 123 39
2nd Zane Smith 46 35
3rd Zackary Wallace 18 26
4th Ksenia Crow 83 19
5th Hari Bartlett 49 19
6th Lola Quiroga 35 19
7th Karina Cuccia 19 19
8th Sarah Claus 128 18
9th Blaise Hamel 81 18
10th Matt Miller 67 17
11th Matthew Araujo 100 16
12th Eric Marlatt 84 16
13th Nic Brummell 69 16
14th Joanna Edmonds 51 16
15th Grace Stetson 16 15
16th Connie Gabriel Wilson 132 14
17th EMERY TOWN 100 14
18th Peter Raimondi 53 14
19th Zachary Potter 32 14
20th Quinn Rizal 59 13
21st Tom Ginsburg 51 13
22nd Marcelo N. 42 13
23rd Adrian Albores 16 13
24th Bradley Olin 12 13
25th Hector Torres 84 12
26th Daniel Story 65 12
27th Catrina Tellez 19 12
28th Brian Johnston 10 12
29th Michelle Tomasko 66 11
30th Dan Powers 57 11

Most Rides with Kids

Ride Anywhere Week - Santa Cruz County Registrations

  • 138 People

Santa Cruz County All time stats

  • 339 Workplaces
  • 5,874 People
  • 780 New riders
  • 6,900,308 Miles
  • 560,761 Rides
  • 671,009 lb CO2

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