Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Will Shields 197 9
2nd Jesus Campagna 129 12
3rd Elsa Duval 88 37
4th Michael Chang 75 2
5th Edwin Hernandez Alfaro 62 10
6th Talmage Jones 56 8
7th Joanna Wu 52 19
8th Brian Zunner Keating 48 6
9th Will Chung 45 2
10th Colin Germer 45 4
11th Matthew Hoffman 41 2
12th Laurent Vergnes 38 2
13th Matt Krantz 36 6
14th Arezoo Razavizadeh 30 5
15th Ned Sanger 23 27
16th Catherine Shibata 22 3
17th Judy H 21 1
18th Ahron Oh 21 4
19th Abhimat Gautam 13 4
20th Jose Gonzalez 9.2 1
21st Vijay Higgins 8.2 6
22nd Jacob Wasserman 6.7 4
23rd Guanglin Zhang 6.5 8
24th Jay Foss 5.1 1
25th Pat Leepipatpiboon 2.7 1
26th Christian Rodriguez 0.7 1

Top Riders (Most trips)

Name Miles Trips
1st Elsa Duval 88 37
2nd Ned Sanger 23 27
3rd Joanna Wu 52 19
4th Jesus Campagna 129 12
5th Edwin Hernandez Alfaro 62 10
6th Will Shields 197 9
7th Talmage Jones 56 8
8th Guanglin Zhang 6.5 8
9th Brian Zunner Keating 48 6
10th Matt Krantz 36 6
11th Vijay Higgins 8.2 6
12th Arezoo Razavizadeh 30 5
13th Colin Germer 45 4
14th Ahron Oh 21 4
15th Abhimat Gautam 13 4
16th Jacob Wasserman 6.7 4
17th Catherine Shibata 22 3
18th Michael Chang 75 2
19th Will Chung 45 2
20th Matthew Hoffman 41 2
21st Laurent Vergnes 38 2
22nd Judy H 21 1
23rd Jose Gonzalez 9.2 1
24th Jay Foss 5.1 1
25th Pat Leepipatpiboon 2.7 1
26th Christian Rodriguez 0.7 1

Top Male Rider (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Will Shields 197 9
2nd Jesus Campagna 129 12
3rd Michael Chang 75 2
4th Edwin Hernandez Alfaro 62 10
5th Talmage Jones 56 8
6th Brian Zunner Keating 48 6
7th Will Chung 45 2
8th Matthew Hoffman 41 2
9th Laurent Vergnes 38 2
10th Matt Krantz 36 6
11th Ned Sanger 23 27
12th Abhimat Gautam 13 4
13th Jose Gonzalez 9.2 1
14th Jacob Wasserman 6.7 4
15th Christian Rodriguez 0.7 1

Top Female Rider (Most Miles)

Top Non-Binary Riders

Top Male New Rider

Top Female New Rider

Top Non-Binary New Riders

Top Commuters (Most days riding to work)

Name Miles Days
1st Elsa Duval 41 8
2nd Jesus Campagna 129 7
3rd Joanna Wu 24 7
4th Brian Zunner Keating 48 6
5th Edwin Hernandez Alfaro 62 5
6th Ned Sanger 5.5 4
7th Talmage Jones 24 3
8th Ahron Oh 21 2
9th Matt Krantz 11 2
10th Guanglin Zhang 1.1 2
11th Will Chung 9.9 1
12th Jacob Wasserman 6.7 1
13th Abhimat Gautam 6.0 1
14th Vijay Higgins 1.3 1

Most trips from A to B

Name Miles Trips
1st Elsa Duval 88 37
2nd Ned Sanger 23 27
3rd Joanna Wu 52 19
4th Jesus Campagna 129 12
5th Edwin Hernandez Alfaro 62 10
6th Will Shields 197 9
7th Talmage Jones 56 8
8th Guanglin Zhang 6.5 8
9th Brian Zunner Keating 48 6
10th Matt Krantz 36 6
11th Vijay Higgins 8.2 6
12th Arezoo Razavizadeh 30 5
13th Colin Germer 45 4
14th Ahron Oh 21 4
15th Abhimat Gautam 13 4
16th Jacob Wasserman 6.7 4
17th Catherine Shibata 22 3
18th Michael Chang 75 2
19th Will Chung 45 2
20th Matthew Hoffman 41 2
21st Laurent Vergnes 38 2
22nd Judy H 21 1
23rd Jose Gonzalez 9.2 1
24th Jay Foss 5.1 1
25th Pat Leepipatpiboon 2.7 1
26th Christian Rodriguez 0.7 1

Most Rides with Kids

UCLA All time stats

  • 1 Workplace
  • 242 People
  • 47 New riders
  • 106,043 Miles
  • 13,728 Rides
  • 25,193 lb CO2

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