Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Henry Pavitt 375 6
2nd Kay Huggins 356 7
3rd Dan Francis 331 5
4th Shane Raidal 284 5
5th John Tonkin 264 8
6th Camilla D 202 6
7th Tim Waters 197 5
8th Josef Winkler 183 10
9th Barry Shields 147 6
10th Wendy Woppa 120 4
11th Ray Stenhouse 117 4
12th Aaron Mc Corquodale 105 13
13th Emma Pocock 🐠🐬🧜‍♀️ 101 7
14th Isobel Mac Callum 80 6
15th Hamish Tait 69 8
16th Ross Mavor 66 4
17th Lindsay Skyner 48 2
18th Rob Owers 47 2
19th Elsie Russell 42 2
20th Ashley Radburn 25 2
21st Joanne Leary 22 5
22nd Karen Radburn 13 1

Top Riders (Most trips)

Name km Trips
1st Aaron Mc Corquodale 105 13
2nd Josef Winkler 183 10
3rd John Tonkin 264 8
4th Hamish Tait 69 8
5th Kay Huggins 356 7
6th Emma Pocock 🐠🐬🧜‍♀️ 101 7
7th Henry Pavitt 375 6
8th Camilla D 202 6
9th Barry Shields 147 6
10th Isobel Mac Callum 80 6
11th Dan Francis 331 5
12th Shane Raidal 284 5
13th Tim Waters 197 5
14th Joanne Leary 22 5
15th Wendy Woppa 120 4
16th Ray Stenhouse 117 4
17th Ross Mavor 66 4
18th Lindsay Skyner 48 2
19th Rob Owers 47 2
20th Elsie Russell 42 2
21st Ashley Radburn 25 2
22nd Karen Radburn 13 1

Top Male Rider (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Henry Pavitt 375 6
2nd Dan Francis 331 5
3rd Shane Raidal 284 5
4th John Tonkin 264 8
5th Tim Waters 197 5
6th Josef Winkler 183 10
7th Barry Shields 147 6
8th Ray Stenhouse 117 4
9th Hamish Tait 69 8
10th Ross Mavor 66 4
11th Rob Owers 47 2
12th Ashley Radburn 25 2

Top Female Rider (Most km)

Top Non-Binary Riders

Top Male New Rider

Top Female New Rider

Top Non-Binary New Riders

Top Commuters (Most days riding to work)

Most trips from A to B

Name km Trips
1st Hamish Tait 54 6
2nd Josef Winkler 50 6
3rd Aaron Mc Corquodale 41 5
4th Joanne Leary 12 4
5th Emma Pocock 🐠🐬🧜‍♀️ 18 3
6th Camilla D 42 2
7th Ray Stenhouse 25 2
8th Barry Shields 8.7 2
9th Ross Mavor 18 1
10th Wendy Woppa 15 1
11th Elsie Russell 11 1
12th John Tonkin 2.1 1

Most Rides with Kids

Wagga Wagga All time stats

  • 12 Workplaces
  • 154 People
  • 54 New riders
  • 228,445 Km
  • 8,471 Rides
  • 3,164 kg CO2

NSW All time stats

  • 1,473 Workplaces
  • 21,674 People
  • 6,572 New riders
  • 49,430,811 Km
  • 1,910,483 Rides
  • 1,054,433 kg CO2

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