Cambridgeshire and Peterborough


Days Ridden
Carl Robinson 0 0 0
Andy Wood 0 0 0
Tom Lachlan Cope 0 0 0
David Newnham 0 0 0
Matt Polaine 0 0 0

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No Trips Recorded


Distance (miles)
Transport Trips
Ice Sheets 20 4 9393 549 298
Research Ships 22 0 0 0 0
Polar Oceans 20 4 3282 231 93
Polar Data Centre 7 4 763 153 77
Conservation Biology 18 0 0 0 0
Ecosystems 9 3 1133 160 146
OPAL 3 2 2265 145 78
Environment Office 3 1 995 110 106
MAGIC 9 0 0 0 0
Atmosphere, Ice and Climate 30 5 6615 441 190
PMO 10 11 22312 1595 236
AME 18 4 2268 192 94
Antarctic Postal Logistics 100 1 3941 121 5
Transformation 8 1 602 30 0
Library & Archives 6 2 994 76 72
AI Lab 20 1 755 239 222
Air Unit 0 3 961 155 104
Biodiversity Evolution Adaptation 7 2 2142 229 61
IT 24 1 429 56 24
Palaeoenvironments Ice Sheets and Climate Change 14 1 456 74 35
Web & Apps 2 1 522 46 6
Finance 13 2 307 91 88
Space Weather and Atmosphere 15 2 555 78 68
Estates 40 1 39 2 0
Communications 10 2 1483 328 222
Innovation 3 3 504 22 18

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Andy Wood 31,263 1,578
2nd Tony Fox 15,624 1,252
3rd Matt Polaine 10,319 382
4th Oliver Marsh 7,133 418
5th Graham Nightingale 6,806 944
6th Ingrid Richardson 6,058 275
7th Chris Jackson 5,596 110
8th Elizabeth Collingwood 5,289 135
9th Steve Marshall 4,078 177
10th Kirsten Shaw 3,942 121
11th Rhiannon Jones 2,849 166
12th Matthew Cridland 2,768 548
13th Thomas Barningham 2,395 127
14th Carlos Martín García 2,143 97
15th Mike Brian 2,026 135
16th David Newnham 1,984 214
17th Chester Sands 1,963 173
18th Jonathan Witherstone 1,851 117
19th Aurelia Reichardt 1,636 139
20th Livia Oldland 1,355 311
21st Rachel Clarke 1,119 126
22nd Julian Klepacki 1,114 38
23rd Lloyd Peck 1,082 102
24th Freya Squires 1,000 261
25th Tom Lachlan Cope 981 58
26th Sam Hughes 888 45
27th Stephen Smith 779 146
28th George Coombs 755 239
29th Anna Belcher 657 128
30th Robert Merwiak 602 30

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name Miles Trips
1st Andy Wood 31,263 1,578
2nd Tony Fox 15,624 1,252
3rd Graham Nightingale 6,806 944
4th Matthew Cridland 2,768 548
5th Oliver Marsh 7,133 418
6th Matt Polaine 10,319 382
7th Livia Oldland 1,355 311
8th Ingrid Richardson 6,058 275
9th Freya Squires 1,000 261
10th George Coombs 755 239
11th Naomi Griffiths 573 220
12th David Newnham 1,984 214
13th Steve Marshall 4,078 177
14th Chester Sands 1,963 173
15th Nicholas Carter 484 172
16th Rhiannon Jones 2,849 166
17th Stephen Smith 779 146
18th Olivia Darler 454 145
19th Aurelia Reichardt 1,636 139
20th Elizabeth Collingwood 5,289 135
21st Mike Brian 2,026 135
22nd Anna Belcher 657 128
23rd Thomas Barningham 2,395 127
24th Rachel Clarke 1,119 126
25th Kirsten Shaw 3,942 121
26th Jonathan Witherstone 1,851 117
27th Chris Jackson 5,596 110
28th Lloyd Peck 1,082 102
29th Carlos Martín García 2,143 97
30th Lucy Stephenson 382 91

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name Miles Days
1st Andy Wood 30,684 1,492
2nd Tony Fox 10,451 428
3rd Matthew Cridland 1,651 244
4th Oliver Marsh 1,170 180
5th Graham Nightingale 1,386 116
6th Livia Oldland 851 114
7th Rachel Clarke 955 104
8th Freya Squires 514 98
9th Matt Polaine 890 89
10th George Coombs 561 78
11th Nicholas Carter 284 67
12th Mike Brian 320 63
13th Stephen Smith 396 56
14th Tom Lachlan Cope 981 43
15th Sam Hughes 815 40
16th David Newnham 483 38
17th Anna Belcher 327 38
18th Rhiannon Jones 139 36
19th Lloyd Peck 738 35
20th Ben Brenton 135 34
21st Steve Marshall 820 30
22nd Aurelia Reichardt 234 29
23rd Pierre Dutrieux 228 26
24th Thomas Barningham 118 26
25th Amelie Kirchgaessner 204 25
26th Emma Boland 185 24
27th Alysa Fisher 90 23
28th Richard Phillips 290 22
29th Naomi Griffiths 115 22
30th Adam Hodges 185 18

Top Commuters (Most Miles Riding to Work)

Name Miles Trips
1st Andy Wood 30,684 1,532
2nd Tony Fox 10,451 760
3rd Matthew Cridland 1,651 378
4th Graham Nightingale 1,386 116
5th Oliver Marsh 1,170 250
6th Tom Lachlan Cope 981 58
7th Rachel Clarke 955 111
8th Julian Klepacki 910 26
9th Matt Polaine 890 156
10th Livia Oldland 851 192
11th Steve Marshall 820 44
12th Sam Hughes 815 41
13th Lloyd Peck 738 53
14th George Coombs 561 147
15th Freya Squires 514 144
16th David Newnham 483 102
17th Mike Rose 439 23
18th Stephen Smith 396 90
19th Mike Pinnock 340 17
20th Anna Belcher 327 63
21st Mike Brian 320 67
22nd Carl Robinson 299 18
23rd Richard Phillips 290 28
24th Nicholas Carter 284 102
25th Clare Fothergill 260 15
26th Carlos Martín García 259 14
27th Nigel Meredith 241 35
28th David Barnes 239 22
29th Aurelia Reichardt 234 33
30th Alistair Crame 233 21

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9 people are already registered for Ride Anywhere Week - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Ride Anywhere Week - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Registrations

  • 449 People

Ride Anywhere Week - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

  • 32 Workplaces
  • 46 Riders
  • 1 New riders
  • 793 Miles
  • 56 Trips
  • 28 lb CO2

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough All time stats

  • 593 Workplaces
  • 13,251 People
  • 1,226 New riders
  • 10,403,673 Miles
  • 855,890 Rides
  • 1,831,459 lb CO2

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