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Bristol City Council

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Top Encouragers

Your Leaderboards


Name Distance Points Day Points Encourager Points Total Points
Total Score 7733 8350 950 17033
Andy Whitty 100 150 400 650
Phoebe Mulcahy 105 110 200 415
Mad Gibbo 132 160 100 392
Tom Yiangou 306 70 0 376
Jacob Pryor 202 120 0 322

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Name Staff Count Distance Points Day Points Encourager Points Total Points
ABS 170 0 0 0 0
Adult Social Care 100 0 0 0 0
Change Services 30 107 110 0 217
Children services 12817 351 400 0 751
Citizen Services 500 0 0 0 0
City Events 7 0 0 0 0
City Tansport 30 344 240 0 584
City Transport 120 5 10 0 15
Climate Change Team 10 18 50 0 68
Community Learning 21 17 30 0 47
CSP 28 30 110 0 140
Culture 50 112 110 0 222
Democratic Services 11 169 250 0 419
Development of Place 100 117 50 50 217
Digital services 12 0 0 0 0
Economy of Place 100 145 210 0 355
Education 20 363 390 50 803
Education Welfare Service 13 0 0 0 0
Employment Skills and Learning 60 39 50 0 89
Energy Services 25 27 60 0 87
Engineering & Design 30 14 40 0 54
Equalities 7 0 0 0 0
Finance 80 67 70 0 137
Fleet services 100 0 0 0 0
Growth and regeneration 100 556 660 0 1216
Highways 40 108 140 0 248
Housing 900 533 360 0 893
ICT 200 107 110 0 217
International 5 65 110 0 175
Legal & democratic services 60 7 10 0 17
Libraries 50 256 160 0 416
Libraries 50 0 0 0 0
Neighbourhoods & Communities 30 199 210 0 409
Occupational Therapy 10 0 0 0 0
Operations Centre 20 121 160 0 281
Parks 120 59 40 0 99
People 500 477 620 0 1097
Policy, strategy and digital 0 110 160 0 270
Portfolios, Programmes and Projects 200 76 40 0 116
Property Services 25 61 50 0 111
Public Health 80 167 160 0 327
Public Protection Group 10 0 0 0 0
Refugee Resettlement 20 11 40 0 51
Resources 100 217 170 0 387
Revs and Bens 50 16 20 0 36
Safer Communities 10 0 0 0 0
security 30 0 0 0 0
Social Services 400 657 790 0 1447
Sustainable Transport 40 618 840 800 2258
Trading Standards 9 0 0 0 0
TWS-IT 0 110 140 0 250

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No Trips Recorded

Name Department Last login
Dave Pemble Finance 29 days Encourage
Elen Sian Social Services 21 days Encourage
Flora Mates 29 days Encourage
Hannah Wylie Social Services 29 days Encourage
Jack Dewey Growth and regeneration 29 days Encourage
James Fletcher Culture 21 days Encourage
Jenny Howell 1 year Encourage
Jodie Ancrum 2 years Encourage
Julia Thomas Housing 21 days Encourage
Karolina Marcinowicz Housing 10 months Encourage

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Name staff Riders Distance (km) Trips Transport Trips
City Events 7 1 150 10 5
Culture 50 15 3232 253 221
Public Health 80 6 1664 73 23
Highways 40 7 4270 326 203
Education 20 17 38849 3206 1133
Citizen Services 500 6 821 89 66
Development of Place 100 5 18040 383 17
Energy Services 25 6 16718 571 86
Housing 900 23 59313 3939 1762
ICT 200 7 35879 2531 1591
Democratic Services 11 7 11607 1789 1292
security 30 1 34065 726 16
People 500 25 27691 2450 1248
Equalities 7 1 27 1 0
Safer Communities 10 0 0 0 0
Change Services 30 6 8599 722 129
Community Learning 21 1 248 13 5
Portfolios, Programmes and Projects 200 2 122 6 5
Resources 100 23 21547 1073 409
Parks 120 5 11056 738 383
Social Services 400 35 13683 1477 428
Neighbourhoods & Communities 30 12 15045 863 173
Property Services 25 2 8103 391 91
Operations Centre 20 2 9564 1047 186
ABS 170 2 24 2 0
Libraries 50 13 38267 2536 551
City Tansport 30 13 39928 2466 662
Digital services 12 0 0 0 0
Refugee Resettlement 20 2 1108 69 32
Trading Standards 9 1 2654 125 11
Sustainable Transport 40 30 85285 4734 2218
City Transport 120 5 2739 166 40
Economy of Place 100 7 3021 159 74
Climate Change Team 10 2 779 78 70
Education Welfare Service 13 1 6 2 1
Revs and Bens 50 2 285 6 1
Employment Skills and Learning 60 4 3200 128 44
Occupational Therapy 10 1 82 4 2
TWS-IT 0 2 337 75 71
Libraries 50 1 48 5 5
Growth and regeneration 100 15 2853 404 169
Fleet services 100 1 44 5 5
Finance 80 2 532 35 4
Policy, strategy and digital 0 5 2743 237 149
Public Protection Group 10 3 4787 127 28
Legal & democratic services 60 1 11 1 1
CSP 28 2 57 12 10
International 5 1 162 36 27
Children services 12817 7 592 73 60
Adult Social Care 100 0 0 0 0
Engineering & Design 30 1 140 39 38

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