You’ve arrived at the home of cycling encouragement.
Hop on your bikes, join a community, learn new bike skills, and win prizes!
This February, individuals and organisations across New Zealand will compete to see who can get the most people riding a bike.
It doesn’t matter if you ride every day or haven’t been on a bike in years, you can ride anywhere anytime in February to take part. There are prizes to win for riding and encouraging your friends and colleagues to ride too!
Kua takoto te mānuka
Before your next adventure, check out ACC’s "Have a Hmmm" mountain bike video for expert tips so you can master the trail & level up your skills!
I ride because I have yet to unlock my potential for astral projection (as mode of transport)
I ride because it is February and I like to take part in the bike challenge.
I ride because It's fun, I can explore, and it's a great social activity that is good for fitness