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Warwickshire County Council

Our Goal: cycle 2500 miles by 30th September 2023
Goal Completed
Goal Completed

Top Encouragers

Tim Snazell has encouraged 7 People to ride a bike.
Sam Géhin has encouraged 7 People to ride a bike.
Alex Brown has encouraged 4 People to ride a bike.
Ben Wallace has encouraged 1 person to ride a bike.


Days Ridden
Jack Linstead 0 0 0
Caroline Faulkner 0 0 0
Luca Valle 0 0 0
Daniel Paré 0 0 0
Tim Snazell 0 0 0

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Distance (miles)
Transport Trips
Business Intelligence 52 1 238 80 62
Transport Planning & Active Travel 8 9 21919 3443 2307
Public Health 30 3 7850 275 6
Regeneration projects 30 1 76 6 2
Resources 6 14 7929 777 506
Transport Operations 100 0 0 0 0
County Highways 60 2 684 112 85
Adult and Community Learning 70 0 0 0 0
People group 1300 8 29759 1646 236
Governor Services 0 1 7 5 5
Road Safety Education 9 2 909 228 188
Property Services - Enabling Services 0 0 0 0 0
Communities Group 15 8 4315 710 453
Waste Management 0 0 0 0 0
Portfolio management office 60 1 421 76 72
Social Care and Health Commissioning 100 1 1376 219 123
Climate change 5 1 7988 225 15
Attendance Service 20 1 622 28 3

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Ian Redfern 27,096 1,328
2nd Peter Corkill 11,132 935
3rd Matt Whitehead 7,988 225
4th Catherine Rigney 7,741 265
5th Tim Snazell 5,132 1,325
6th Kate Shephard 3,775 187
7th Kieran Tursner 3,328 338
8th Nigel Exell 2,709 138
9th Chris Brammeier 2,166 217
10th Anne Macdonald 1,902 143
11th Alex Brown 1,883 347
12th Sarah Odell 1,804 59
13th Alison Kennedy 1,777 448
14th Dan Nash 1,382 73
15th Olivia Cooper 1,377 219
16th Linda Johnstone 1,307 87
17th Caroline Faulkner 1,044 293
18th Sam Géhin 967 306
19th Fay Cannon 908 226
20th Dan Morris 907 24
21st Caroline Mc Cluskey 811 143
22nd Charlie Simpson 661 18
23rd Emma Miles 622 28
24th Simon Moseley 574 94
25th Victoria Bartholomew 568 205
26th Ben Wallace 550 99
27th Caroline Smith 489 27
28th William Phillips 486 69
29th Alex Wright 484 198
30th Louise Jones 461 121

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name Miles Trips
1st Ian Redfern 27,096 1,328
2nd Tim Snazell 5,132 1,325
3rd Peter Corkill 11,132 935
4th Alison Kennedy 1,777 448
5th Alex Brown 1,883 347
6th Kieran Tursner 3,328 338
7th Sam Géhin 967 306
8th Caroline Faulkner 1,044 293
9th Catherine Rigney 7,741 265
10th Fay Cannon 908 226
11th Matt Whitehead 7,988 225
12th Olivia Cooper 1,377 219
13th Chris Brammeier 2,166 217
14th Victoria Bartholomew 568 205
15th Alex Wright 484 198
16th Kate Shephard 3,775 187
17th Elena Martin 289 169
18th Anne Macdonald 1,902 143
19th Caroline Mc Cluskey 811 143
20th Nigel Exell 2,709 138
21st Louise Jones 461 121
22nd Ben Wallace 550 99
23rd Simon Moseley 574 94
24th Imogen Francis 249 94
25th Linda Johnstone 1,307 87
26th Sue Robinson 239 80
27th Fiona Trewick 421 76
28th Katey Stoneman 236 76
29th Dan Nash 1,382 73
30th William Phillips 486 69

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name Miles Days
1st Tim Snazell 1,879 371
2nd Peter Corkill 1,517 166
3rd Caroline Mc Cluskey 605 99
4th Sam Géhin 260 70
5th Fay Cannon 457 69
6th Chris Brammeier 201 67
7th Victoria Bartholomew 317 65
8th Fiona Trewick 375 62
9th Ben Wallace 550 55
10th Kate Shephard 1,213 48
11th Simon Moseley 494 47
12th Alison Kennedy 374 47
13th Kieran Tursner 486 46
14th Alex Wright 215 45
15th Alex Brown 394 41
16th Olivia Cooper 305 40
17th Rachel Killian 269 40
18th Ian Redfern 686 38
19th Caroline Faulkner 277 36
20th Linda Johnstone 117 34
21st Anne Macdonald 309 32
22nd Sue Robinson 137 31
23rd Jack Cantwell 208 26
24th Mariya Tarnavska 135 20
25th Stephen Hall 67 18
26th Louise Jones 46 16
27th Elena Martin 27 14
28th Margaret Smith 60 12
29th Paul Brown 36 12
30th Trevor Gibbs 180 9

Top Commuters (Most Miles Riding to Work)

Name Miles Trips
1st Tim Snazell 1,879 635
2nd Peter Corkill 1,517 324
3rd Kate Shephard 1,213 77
4th Ian Redfern 686 40
5th Caroline Mc Cluskey 605 105
6th Ben Wallace 550 99
7th Simon Moseley 494 83
8th Kieran Tursner 486 72
9th Fay Cannon 457 111
10th Alex Brown 394 48
11th Fiona Trewick 375 63
12th Alison Kennedy 374 130
13th Victoria Bartholomew 317 120
14th Anne Macdonald 309 41
15th Olivia Cooper 305 69
16th Caroline Faulkner 277 46
17th Rachel Killian 269 43
18th Sam Géhin 260 91
19th Alex Wright 215 82
20th Charlie Simpson 209 6
21st Jack Cantwell 208 26
22nd Chris Brammeier 201 97
23rd Trevor Gibbs 180 9
24th Sue Robinson 137 47
25th Mariya Tarnavska 135 20
26th Linda Johnstone 117 34
27th Stephen Hall 67 18
28th Margaret Smith 60 12
29th Abi Culley 52 8
30th Ranjit Sagoo 48 9

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9 people have registered for Ride, Walk, Wheel Week

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  • 3,037 People
  • 639 New riders
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