Fleet Street Quarter BID
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LexisNexis UK

Our Goal: cycle 24901 miles by 30th June 2020
3901 miles down, 21000 to go!
3901 miles down, 21000 to go!

Top Encouragers


Days Ridden
Bren Ramsden 50 1 1
Senol Ergin 46 1 1
James Gunning 21 1 1
Roelof Kannenberg 13 1 1
Emma Channon 2.6 1 2

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Riders in challenge
Legal Markets 2 1% 3
Technology 2 1% 2
Editorial Operations 1 0% 1
VisualFiles 0 0% 0
HR 0 0% 0
Tax Markets 0 0% 0
Go-to-Market 0 0% 0

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No Trips Recorded

Name Department Last login
Darius Lewington Legal Markets almost 3 years Encourage
STEPHANIE LAWRENCE Legal Markets 3 years Encourage
Jonathan Scriven Tax Markets over 3 years Encourage
Allison Plager Tax Markets over 4 years Encourage
Seamus Donnelly Go-to-Market over 4 years Encourage
Matthias Mueller Legal Markets over 4 years Encourage
Nigel Hope Editorial Operations over 4 years Encourage
Stephanie Lawrence Legal Markets over 4 years Encourage
Elinor Clark Legal Markets over 4 years Encourage
Susi Dunn Legal Markets over 4 years Encourage

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Distance (miles)
Transport Trips
Cordery 3 0 0 0 0
HR 9 1 20 9 9
Go-to-Market 227 4 6176 255 9
Legal Markets 234 12 25618 2252 1032
MLex 25 0 0 0 0
Nexis Solutions 44 0 0 0 0
Tax Markets 83 9 6085 383 28
VisualFiles 50 1 1323 69 0
Finance & Data 45 0 0 0 0
Strategy & Pricing 6 0 0 0 0
Technology 154 4 18020 783 22
Editorial Operations 280 3 15735 824 222

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Bren Ramsden 15,395 792
2nd Senol Ergin 11,863 436
3rd Stephen Honey 7,325 567
4th Roelof Kannenberg 7,211 395
5th James Gunning 4,476 170
6th Darius Lewington 4,268 208
7th Paul Thoroughgood 4,072 291
8th Mark Frost 3,196 117
9th Jonathan Scriven 2,685 177
10th Emma Channon 2,676 788
11th Katherine Llewellyn 2,517 151
12th Juliet Smith 2,258 98
13th Owen Durnin 1,792 65
14th Hannah Clement 1,657 173
15th Matthias Mueller 1,491 102
16th Tim Dawes 1,323 69
17th Zosia Heller 627 45
18th Seamus Donnelly 562 28
19th David Rudling 360 30
20th Paul Estlin 334 15
21st Liz Halford 🥂 324 29
22nd Nigel Hope 235 22
23rd John Colville 190 13
24th Allison Plager 168 19
25th Nigel Hope 106 10
26th Janet Day 57 22
27th Debbie Bray 50 9
28th Elinor Clark 36 4
29th Nicholas Byrne 28 6
30th Claire Taylor 25 4

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name Miles Trips
1st Bren Ramsden 15,395 792
2nd Emma Channon 2,676 788
3rd Stephen Honey 7,325 567
4th Senol Ergin 11,863 436
5th Roelof Kannenberg 7,211 395
6th Paul Thoroughgood 4,072 291
7th Darius Lewington 4,268 208
8th Jonathan Scriven 2,685 177
9th Hannah Clement 1,657 173
10th James Gunning 4,476 170
11th Katherine Llewellyn 2,517 151
12th Mark Frost 3,196 117
13th Matthias Mueller 1,491 102
14th Juliet Smith 2,258 98
15th Tim Dawes 1,323 69
16th Owen Durnin 1,792 65
17th Zosia Heller 627 45
18th David Rudling 360 30
19th Liz Halford 🥂 324 29
20th Seamus Donnelly 562 28
21st Nigel Hope 235 22
22nd Janet Day 57 22
23rd Allison Plager 168 19
24th Paul Estlin 334 15
25th John Colville 190 13
26th Nigel Hope 106 10
27th Debbie Bray 50 9
28th Elizabeth Isaacs Sodeye 20 9
29th Susi Dunn 23 7
30th Nicholas Byrne 28 6

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name Miles Days
1st Stephen Honey 1,734 179
2nd Emma Channon 904 140
3rd Roelof Kannenberg 609 92
4th Bren Ramsden 101 49
5th Katherine Llewellyn 152 26
6th Paul Thoroughgood 111 16
7th Senol Ergin 75 16
8th Jonathan Scriven 89 9
9th Matthias Mueller 16 7
10th Darius Lewington 31 3
11th Zosia Heller 9.3 3
12th Juliet Smith 7.9 3
13th Debbie Bray 3.0 1
14th James Gunning 2.0 1

Top Commuters (Most Miles Riding to Work)

Name Miles Trips
1st Stephen Honey 1,734 267
2nd Emma Channon 904 220
3rd Roelof Kannenberg 609 119
4th Katherine Llewellyn 152 27
5th Paul Thoroughgood 111 18
6th Bren Ramsden 101 59
7th Jonathan Scriven 89 13
8th Senol Ergin 75 16
9th Darius Lewington 31 3
10th Matthias Mueller 16 7
11th Zosia Heller 9.3 3
12th Juliet Smith 7.9 3
13th Debbie Bray 3.0 1
14th James Gunning 2.0 1

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  • 48 Workplaces
  • 748 People
  • 177 New riders
  • 751,057 Miles
  • 61,480 Rides
  • 85,944 lb CO2

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