We love how burden-less cycling is sometimes - how every pedal stroke means fewer emissions, cleaner air, less roadway pollutant runoff, and less material waste.
It’s not always easy to do, but with enough commitment and a bit of effort you can really amp up your sustainability game. Here are some choices to explore, benchmark against, or even push beyond as you really cement your climate credentials:
1. Turn one car trip a week into a bike trip. Start with one simple swap. Although you may want to leap into your sustainability journey straight away, by taking baby steps you're more likely to make a long-lasting behaviour change. Many of the regular car journeys we make are under 3 miles long, that's just a 20 minute bike ride! Take a look at which journeys you think you could change and give it a go.
2. Swap more and more of your trips to your bike. The next step is to replace more and more of your car trips (maybe commutes, or trips to the store, etc) with bike trips. Want an extra bit of encouragement to make this happen? Set yourself a goal on your profile page and let us track your progress - you can also share that goal with friends and colleagues to help keep you on track!
3. Replace one really difficult trip. Step 3 is to push yourself into using a bike for those really difficult car trips - things like transporting something large or harder to carry, taking a child to the park or daycare, or going somewhere more distant than you usually ride. Use this as a chance to really prove to yourself what you can do!
4. Go car free for a week. Ok, so you’ve handled the tough trips and you’re riding most of the time. Well, it should be a breeze to go car-free for a week! You’ve got seven days, and you have to avoid the car for the whole week. If you have to bail that’s ok, but come back to the goal until you totally nail it!
5. Go car-lite. You know by now how much you can do without a car. But maybe you’re still sitting on a second car in your household, ‘just in case’. Well, you’ve shown that you can get by without it - so ditch that second car and rake in the savings!
6. Go car-free. The most advanced move, going car-free can be quite comfortable in some places and a unique challenge in others - either way, if you find yourself without a car you’re in elite company and we salute you!
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