Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Vivek Mishra 312 10
2nd Lawrence Horning 216 41
3rd Loren Hardy 172 12
4th Catherine Freed 150 6
5th David DeWitt 148 7
6th Jeff Vander Maas 125 5
7th Natasha Tynczuk 117 3
8th Dan Guse 88 6
9th C.P. Frost 81 18
10th Camille Mazurek 78 10
11th Daniel MdShahrin 64 3
12th Corey Hengen 54 3
13th Lindsey Sova 50 2
14th Pam Christopherson 44 3
15th Molly Duffy 31 6
16th Eric Ham 31 1
17th Anna Sharar 24 12
18th Ned Sanger 22 26
19th Ahron Oh 21 4
20th Chris Hiebert 19 2
21st Anthony Veltri 16 4
22nd Craig Siwy 14 2
23rd Stacey Kulas 10 2
24th Larry Reeder 8.5 1
25th George Fehrenbach 8.2 1
26th Scott Kristopeit 7.8 1
27th Misha Michelle Tyler 5.4 1
28th Mimi Holt 5.2 9

Top Riders (Most trips)

Name Miles Trips
1st Lawrence Horning 216 41
2nd Ned Sanger 22 26
3rd C.P. Frost 81 18
4th Loren Hardy 172 12
5th Anna Sharar 24 12
6th Vivek Mishra 312 10
7th Camille Mazurek 78 10
8th Mimi Holt 5.2 9
9th David DeWitt 148 7
10th Catherine Freed 150 6
11th Dan Guse 88 6
12th Molly Duffy 31 6
13th Jeff Vander Maas 125 5
14th Ahron Oh 21 4
15th Anthony Veltri 16 4
16th Natasha Tynczuk 117 3
17th Daniel MdShahrin 64 3
18th Corey Hengen 54 3
19th Pam Christopherson 44 3
20th Lindsey Sova 50 2
21st Chris Hiebert 19 2
22nd Craig Siwy 14 2
23rd Stacey Kulas 10 2
24th Eric Ham 31 1
25th Larry Reeder 8.5 1
26th George Fehrenbach 8.2 1
27th Scott Kristopeit 7.8 1
28th Misha Michelle Tyler 5.4 1

Top Male Rider (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Vivek Mishra 312 10
2nd Loren Hardy 172 12
3rd David DeWitt 148 7
4th Jeff Vander Maas 125 5
5th Dan Guse 88 6
6th C.P. Frost 81 18
7th Daniel MdShahrin 64 3
8th Corey Hengen 54 3
9th Ned Sanger 22 26
10th Chris Hiebert 19 2
11th Anthony Veltri 16 4
12th Craig Siwy 14 2
13th Larry Reeder 8.5 1
14th George Fehrenbach 8.2 1
15th Scott Kristopeit 7.8 1

Top Female Rider (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Catherine Freed 150 6
2nd Natasha Tynczuk 117 3
3rd Camille Mazurek 78 10
4th Lindsey Sova 50 2
5th Pam Christopherson 44 3
6th Anna Sharar 24 12
7th Ahron Oh 21 4
8th Stacey Kulas 10 2
9th Mimi Holt 5.2 9

Top Non-Binary Riders

Top Male New Rider

Top Female New Rider

Top Non-Binary New Riders

Top Commuters (Most days riding to work)

Name Miles Days
1st C.P. Frost 65 7
2nd Catherine Freed 150 6
3rd Anna Sharar 24 6
4th Ned Sanger 5.5 4
5th Molly Duffy 13 3
6th Ahron Oh 21 2
7th Anthony Veltri 16 2
8th Chris Hiebert 19 1
9th Larry Reeder 8.5 1
10th Loren Hardy 8.3 1
11th Scott Kristopeit 7.8 1
12th Stacey Kulas 6.3 1
13th Camille Mazurek 0.9 1

Most trips from A to B

Name Miles Trips
1st Ned Sanger 22 26
2nd Lawrence Horning 90 22
3rd C.P. Frost 71 16
4th Anna Sharar 24 12
5th Mimi Holt 5.2 9
6th Catherine Freed 150 6
7th Ahron Oh 21 4
8th Anthony Veltri 16 4
9th Molly Duffy 13 3
10th Chris Hiebert 19 2
11th Camille Mazurek 1.7 2
12th Larry Reeder 8.5 1
13th Loren Hardy 8.3 1
14th Scott Kristopeit 7.8 1
15th Stacey Kulas 6.3 1

Most Rides with Kids

Ride Anywhere Week - MRMC Registrations

  • 22 People

Milwaukee Regional Medical Center All time stats

  • 5 Workplaces
  • 436 People
  • 99 New riders
  • 257,885 Miles
  • 20,209 Rides
  • 33,430 lb CO2

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