We reached our goal! Over 1 million kilometres have been ridden for transportation in this year’s challenge!   Find out more

Our Goal: cycle 735 kilometers for transportation by 1st March 2024
Goal Completed


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Deborah Rowe biked 41.0 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Cara Lisa Schloots biked 13.0 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Laurissa Jackson biked 3.0 kilometers to/from work

Top Encouragers

Stacey Day has encouraged 3 People to ride a bike.
Deborah Rowe has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
corey murray has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Katie Chilton has encouraged 1 person to ride a bike.

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Total Score 4309 2900 850 8059
Cara Lisa Schloots 701 210 0 911
Scott Hooson 572 180 50 802
Sean Eustace 356 230 50 636
Henare Howard 414 160 50 624
Gabe Ross 409 200 0 609

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Staff Count
Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Biosecurity 3 194 140 0 334
Boffa Miskell Ltd - Dunedin Office 4 0 0 0 0
Business Services 3 37 40 300 377
Design 3 566 490 50 1106
Ecology 3 1405 510 150 2065
Finance 3 0 0 0 0
IT 4 0 0 0 0
IT 1 206 210 0 416
Landscape Planning 3 8 10 0 18
PCD 7 0 0 0 0
Planning 6 113 90 0 203
Te Hihiri 2 414 160 50 624
TSG 3 417 520 150 1087

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No Trips Recorded

Name Department Last login
Tommaso Alestra Ecology 5 days Encourage
Georgia Everest Boffa Miskell Ltd - Dunedin Office 1 month Encourage
Jane Rennie 2 years Encourage
Max Andersen IT 2 years Encourage
Pete Caldwell Biosecurity 2 years Encourage
Beth Williamson Biosecurity 2 years Encourage
Morgan Fallowfield Planning 2 years Encourage
Susan Mc Manaway Landscape Planning 2 years Encourage
Rob Gordon TSG 2 years Encourage
olivia johnstone Design 3 years Encourage

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Distance (km)
Transport Trips
Boffa Miskell Ltd - Dunedin Office 4 0 0 0 0
Landscape Planning 3 3 1599 38 6
TSG 3 6 1553 267 245
Design 3 6 3990 492 437
Biosecurity 3 6 2617 130 24
Ecology 3 7 10195 971 727
Business Services 3 6 132 19 6
Finance 3 1 1 1 0
Planning 6 2 202 17 16
IT 4 1 92 27 26
Te Hihiri 2 1 444 56 43
IT 1 1 284 61 51
PCD 7 0 0 0 0

Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Deborah Rowe 5,500 462
2nd Jaz Morris 3,886 567
3rd Scott Hooson 2,966 187
4th Cara Lisa Schloots 2,721 156
5th Gabe Ross 2,482 188
6th Sean Eustace 2,049 78
7th Susan Mc Manaway 1,495 33
8th Robin Pieper 1,355 58
9th James Bentley 1,332 300
10th Beth Williamson 989 47
11th Hamish Cochrane 842 246
12th Rhys Girvan 591 65
13th Laurissa Jackson 492 135
14th Megan Walker 464 58
15th Henare Howard 445 56
16th Jessica Schofield 354 21
17th Max Andersen 285 61
18th Pete Caldwell 282 61
19th Katie Chilton 244 24
20th Rob Gordon 239 19
21st Olivia Johnstone 237 50
22nd Tanya Blakely 229 24
23rd Maurice Dale 202 16
24th Alex Gault 157 30
25th Sam Campbell 154 36
26th Bec Simpson 138 13
27th Claire Kelly 138 21
28th Jane Rennie 128 16
29th Jane Rennie 126 26
30th Laura Pyne 114 15

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name km Trips
1st Jaz Morris 3,886 567
2nd Deborah Rowe 5,500 462
3rd James Bentley 1,332 300
4th Hamish Cochrane 842 246
5th Gabe Ross 2,482 188
6th Scott Hooson 2,966 187
7th Cara Lisa Schloots 2,721 156
8th Laurissa Jackson 492 135
9th Sean Eustace 2,049 78
10th Rhys Girvan 591 65
11th Max Andersen 285 61
12th Pete Caldwell 282 61
13th Robin Pieper 1,355 58
14th Megan Walker 464 58
15th Henare Howard 445 56
16th Olivia Johnstone 237 50
17th Beth Williamson 989 47
18th Sam Campbell 154 36
19th corey murray 113 36
20th Susan Mc Manaway 1,495 33
21st Alex Gault 157 30
22nd Max Andersen 92 27
23rd Jane Rennie 126 26
24th Katie Chilton 244 24
25th Tanya Blakely 229 24
26th Jessica Schofield 354 21
27th Claire Kelly 138 21
28th Rob Gordon 239 19
29th Maurice Dale 202 16
30th Jane Rennie 128 16

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name km Days
1st Jaz Morris 2,891 338
2nd Deborah Rowe 831 135
3rd Hamish Cochrane 659 96
4th Scott Hooson 1,751 90
5th Laurissa Jackson 400 82
6th Gabe Ross 1,793 63
7th Rhys Girvan 576 62
8th Cara Lisa Schloots 478 56
9th Megan Walker 379 38
10th James Bentley 236 34
11th Sam Campbell 154 25
12th Olivia Johnstone 167 24
13th Jane Rennie 90 24
14th Max Andersen 139 20
15th Tanya Blakely 177 19
16th Sean Eustace 111 19
17th Katie Chilton 205 18
18th Maurice Dale 202 16
19th Jane Rennie 128 16
20th Claire Kelly 128 16
21st Alex Gault 91 16
22nd Henare Howard 283 15
23rd Pete Caldwell 164 14
24th Max Andersen 91 14
25th Rob Gordon 220 11
26th Bec Simpson 117 11
27th Laura Pyne 114 11
28th Jessica Schofield 136 10
29th Tom Moore 102 9
30th Hilary Blackburn 31 5

Top Commuters (Most km Riding to Work)

Name km Trips
1st Jaz Morris 2,891 440
2nd Gabe Ross 1,793 104
3rd Scott Hooson 1,751 143
4th Deborah Rowe 831 164
5th Hamish Cochrane 659 195
6th Rhys Girvan 576 63
7th Cara Lisa Schloots 478 74
8th Laurissa Jackson 400 118
9th Megan Walker 379 38
10th Henare Howard 283 29
11th James Bentley 236 34
12th Rob Gordon 220 17
13th Katie Chilton 205 19
14th Maurice Dale 202 16
15th Tanya Blakely 177 21
16th Olivia Johnstone 167 40
17th Pete Caldwell 164 23
18th Sam Campbell 154 36
19th Max Andersen 139 39
20th Jessica Schofield 136 10
21st Claire Kelly 128 16
22nd Jane Rennie 128 16
23rd Bec Simpson 117 12
24th Laura Pyne 114 15
25th Sean Eustace 111 37
26th Tom Moore 102 9
27th Alex Gault 91 25
28th Max Andersen 91 26
29th Jane Rennie 90 24
30th Susi Ratnakar 55 4

Join Boffa Miskell Ltd - Christchurch

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51 people are already registered

Aotearoa Bike Challenge 2025 - Christchurch Registrations

  • 359 Workplaces
  • 8,062 People

Aotearoa Bike Challenge 2025 - Christchurch

  • 557 Workplaces
  • 6,123 Riders
  • 674 New riders
  • 1,206,177 Km
  • 89,632 Trips
  • 84,845 kg CO2

Aotearoa Bike Challenge 2025 Registrations

  • 1,147 Workplaces
  • 25,378 People

Christchurch All time stats

  • 1,137 Workplaces
  • 28,697 People
  • 6,974 New riders
  • 34,845,701 Km
  • 2,052,715 Rides
  • 1,480,834 kg CO2

Your news

🚀 The Love to Ride app has landed

Automatically log rides, earn prize draw entries and make your area better for bikes! All the fun, zero effort. 

The iOS app is ready to roll and the Android version is in open testing - help us to create the most impactful biking app out there.

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