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Aviation Security Service - Queenstown


We reached our goal! Over 1 million kilometres have been ridden for transportation in this year’s challenge!   Find out more

Our Goal: cycle 375 kilometers for transportation by 1st March 2024
Goal Completed


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Amber Longdill biked 1.8 kilometers to get somewhere
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Amber Longdill biked 5.3 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Amber Longdill biked 5.1 kilometers for fun/fitness

Top Encouragers

Karla Wilson has encouraged 5 People to ride a bike.
Sarah Preece has encouraged 1 person to ride a bike.
Kim Burton has encouraged 1 person to ride a bike.
Kerrie Williamson has encouraged 1 person to ride a bike.

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Total Score 3302 1700 600 5602
Kim Burton 1002 190 100 1292
Margi Jamieson 396 280 0 676
Karla Wilson 147 130 350 627
Kayleigh Crook 356 150 50 556
Kerrie Williamson 242 100 50 392

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Staff Count
Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Aviation Security Queenstown 104 2117 900 150 3167
Team 2 50 513 230 50 793


Distance (km)
Transport Trips
Aviation Security Queenstown 104 14 6690 401 137
Team 2 50 3 974 87 17

Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Kim Burton 2,863 68
2nd Robyn Johnston 1,378 82
3rd Kerrie Williamson 805 41
4th Jaimee Murphy 754 73
5th Frederik Dau 699 33
6th Karla Wilson 563 84
7th Edwin Lee 498 54
8th Marichou Kosovich 472 20
9th Margi Jamieson 467 50
10th Rachel Gregorlittle 455 49
11th Kayleigh Crook 356 26
12th Sarah Preece 278 30
13th Mark Morgan 244 22
14th Emma Thomson 205 29
15th Wendy Adams 204 28
16th Jan Tenquist 173 20
17th Colin Russell 154 2
18th Neil Rodrigues 145 38
19th Amber Longdill 134 39
20th Lincoln Ohma 119 7
21st Bridget Martin 90 3
22nd Paula Ramage 65 8
23rd Sharon Ford 61 4
24th Nicolas Pintado 47 13
25th Donna Heal 46 10
26th Sharron Anderson 36 1
27th Geoffrey Argall 21 3
28th Liz Nuttall 5.6 2
29th Tony Flower 4 1
30th Margaret Hemopo 3.8 3

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name km Trips
1st Karla Wilson 563 84
2nd Robyn Johnston 1,378 82
3rd Jaimee Murphy 754 73
4th Kim Burton 2,863 68
5th Edwin Lee 498 54
6th Margi Jamieson 467 50
7th Rachel Gregorlittle 455 49
8th Kerrie Williamson 805 41
9th Amber Longdill 134 39
10th Neil Rodrigues 145 38
11th Frederik Dau 699 33
12th Sarah Preece 278 30
13th Emma Thomson 205 29
14th Wendy Adams 204 28
15th Kayleigh Crook 356 26
16th Mark Morgan 244 22
17th Marichou Kosovich 472 20
18th Jan Tenquist 173 20
19th Nicolas Pintado 47 13
20th Donna Heal 46 10
21st Paula Ramage 65 8
22nd Lincoln Ohma 119 7
23rd Sharon Ford 61 4
24th Bridget Martin 90 3
25th Geoffrey Argall 21 3
26th Margaret Hemopo 3.8 3
27th Colin Russell 154 2
28th Liz Nuttall 5.6 2
29th Sharron Anderson 36 1
30th Tony Flower 4 1

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name km Days
1st Karla Wilson 418 45
2nd Frederik Dau 360 15
3rd Emma Thomson 133 15
4th Jaimee Murphy 106 11
5th Margi Jamieson 91 11
6th Nicolas Pintado 31 9
7th Kerrie Williamson 85 8
8th Neil Rodrigues 35 8
9th Edwin Lee 75 7
10th Rachel Gregorlittle 37 7
11th Sarah Preece 50 5
12th Bridget Martin 90 3
13th Amber Longdill 12 3
14th Kayleigh Crook 40 2
15th Mark Morgan 23 2
16th Liz Nuttall 5.6 2
17th Jan Tenquist 7.4 1
18th Geoffrey Argall 6 1
19th Marichou Kosovich 5.6 1
20th Jo Tyne 1.5 1
21st Margaret Hemopo 1.4 1

Top Commuters (Most km Riding to Work)

Name km Trips
1st Karla Wilson 418 67
2nd Frederik Dau 360 15
3rd Emma Thomson 133 21
4th Jaimee Murphy 106 13
5th Margi Jamieson 91 16
6th Bridget Martin 90 3
7th Kerrie Williamson 85 8
8th Edwin Lee 75 7
9th Sarah Preece 50 5
10th Kayleigh Crook 40 3
11th Rachel Gregorlittle 37 7
12th Neil Rodrigues 35 9
13th Nicolas Pintado 31 11
14th Mark Morgan 23 2
15th Amber Longdill 12 4
16th Jan Tenquist 7.4 1
17th Geoffrey Argall 6 1
18th Liz Nuttall 5.6 2
19th Marichou Kosovich 5.6 1
20th Jo Tyne 1.5 1
21st Margaret Hemopo 1.4 2

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Aotearoa Bike Challenge 2025 - Queenstown Lakes

  • 121 Workplaces
  • 851 Riders
  • 106 New riders
  • 136,940 Km
  • 10,061 Trips
  • 8,090 kg CO2

Queenstown Lakes All time stats

  • 222 Workplaces
  • 2,589 People
  • 585 New riders
  • 2,562,986 Km
  • 137,844 Rides
  • 68,344 kg CO2

Your news

🚀 The Love to Ride app has landed

Automatically log rides, earn prize draw entries and make your area better for bikes! All the fun, zero effort. 

The iOS app is ready to roll and the Android version is in open testing - help us to create the most impactful biking app out there.

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