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Anderson Lloyd


We reached our goal! Over 1 million kilometres have been ridden for transportation in this year’s challenge!   Find out more

Our Goal: cycle 300 kilometers for transportation by 1st March 2024
Goal Completed


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Anton Trixl biked 17.0 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Anton Trixl biked 17.0 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Anton Trixl biked 17.0 kilometers for fun/fitness

Top Encouragers

Dawn Smith has encouraged 14 People to ride a bike.
Veronica Manning has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Zoe Hollander has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Derek Roth Biester has encouraged 1 person to ride a bike.

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Total Score 812 210 0 1022
Kelly Thompson 360 80 0 440
Anton Trixl 267 60 0 327
Maree Baker Galloway 185 70 0 255
Veronica Manning 0 0 0 0
Dawn Smith 0 0 0 0

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Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Claire Harvey 34,333 1,069
2nd Kelly Thompson 5,280 125
3rd Anton Trixl 3,372 147
4th John Farrow 1,431 31
5th Zoe Hollander 1,346 36
6th Jess Hardman 1,123 132
7th Derek Roth Biester 755 75
8th Maree Baker Galloway 707 33
9th Maria Hayes 703 87
10th Karen Mac Askill 670 21
11th Jane Blissett 602 20
12th Kelsi Mosley 404 108
13th Dan Williams 399 34
14th Veronica Manning 366 68
15th Anita Wan 71 7
16th Tom Mohammed 68 9
17th Zac Holt 61 3
18th Dawn Smith 57 11
19th Charlotte O'Brien 48 5
20th Sophie Ware 29 5
21st Alex Booker 28 3
22nd Dexter Hirst 26 6
23rd Dee Isaacs 20 10
24th Carrie Graham 8 2

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name km Trips
1st Claire Harvey 34,333 1,069
2nd Anton Trixl 3,372 147
3rd Jess Hardman 1,123 132
4th Kelly Thompson 5,280 125
5th Kelsi Mosley 404 108
6th Maria Hayes 703 87
7th Derek Roth Biester 755 75
8th Veronica Manning 366 68
9th Zoe Hollander 1,346 36
10th Dan Williams 399 34
11th Maree Baker Galloway 707 33
12th John Farrow 1,431 31
13th Karen Mac Askill 670 21
14th Jane Blissett 602 20
15th Dawn Smith 57 11
16th Dee Isaacs 20 10
17th Tom Mohammed 68 9
18th Anita Wan 71 7
19th Dexter Hirst 26 6
20th Charlotte O'Brien 48 5
21st Sophie Ware 29 5
22nd Zac Holt 61 3
23rd Alex Booker 28 3
24th Carrie Graham 8 2

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name km Days
1st Claire Harvey 1,192 70
2nd Jess Hardman 377 65
3rd Veronica Manning 318 35
4th Maria Hayes 417 31
5th Derek Roth Biester 291 28
6th Maree Baker Galloway 605 23
7th Kelsi Mosley 45 14
8th Jane Blissett 51 5
9th Dawn Smith 44 5
10th Kelly Thompson 35 3
11th Sophie Ware 29 3
12th Anton Trixl 68 2
13th Dan Williams 48 2
14th Charlotte O'Brien 28 2
15th Tom Mohammed 5.3 1
16th Anita Wan 5.0 1

Top Commuters (Most km Riding to Work)

Name km Trips
1st Claire Harvey 1,192 77
2nd Maree Baker Galloway 605 27
3rd Maria Hayes 417 58
4th Jess Hardman 377 70
5th Veronica Manning 318 53
6th Derek Roth Biester 291 53
7th Anton Trixl 68 4
8th Jane Blissett 51 5
9th Dan Williams 48 4
10th Kelsi Mosley 45 22
11th Dawn Smith 44 5
12th Kelly Thompson 35 3
13th Sophie Ware 29 5
14th Charlotte O'Brien 28 4
15th Tom Mohammed 5.3 1
16th Anita Wan 5.0 1

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Queenstown Lakes All time stats

  • 222 Workplaces
  • 2,589 People
  • 585 New riders
  • 2,566,805 Km
  • 138,179 Rides
  • 68,515 kg CO2

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🚀 The Love to Ride app has landed

Automatically log rides, earn prize draw entries and make your area better for bikes! All the fun, zero effort. 

The iOS app is ready to roll and the Android version is in open testing - help us to create the most impactful biking app out there.

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