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Organisation Profile

Government of Jersey

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Challenge Results

Workplace Statistics

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500+ staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
Jersey General Hospital 2637 86 3.3% 8308
Government of Jersey - Union Street 2041 322 15.8% 32997

200 - 499 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
States of Jersey Police 368 21 5.7% 2956
Highlands College Jersey 345 20 5.8% 1696
Enid Quenault Health & Wellbeing Centre 251 4 1.6% 192
Non-executives and Legislature 217 16 7.4% 5390

50 - 199 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
States of Jersey Prison Service La Moye 133 31 23.3% 5079
Grainville Secondary School 111 1 0.9% 5
Jersey College for Girls 106 6 5.7% 500
States of Jersey Fire and Rescue Service 105 4 3.8% 880
Le Rocquier School 104 1 1.0% 1
Hautlieu School 97 5 5.2% 267
La Collette Depot 96 2 2.1% 823
Haute Vallée School 96 7 7.3% 1882
Victoria College 90 5 5.6% 584
Ambulance Station 84 1 1.2% 115
Beresford House 69 13 18.8% 2962
Howard Davis Farm 62 13 21.0% 3489
D'Auvergne School 61 10 16.4% 468
Samares Primary School 60 0 0.0% 0

20 - 49 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
States Assembly 49 3 6.1% 711
Grouville School 44 0 0.0% 0
Jersey Youth Service 43 16 37.2% 2511
Jersey College Prep 40 0 0.0% 0
La Moye School 40 0 0.0% 0
St Saviour’s School 38 2 5.3% 66
Energy Recovery Facility 37 7 18.9% 2076
Jersey Probation and Aftercare Service 31 4 12.9% 195
St Martin’s School 28 4 14.3% 418
Royal Court of Jersey Viscount’s Department 26 5 19.2% 193
Driver Vehicle Standards 26 0 0.0% 0
Jersey Property Holdings 25 6 24.0% 204
St Luke's Primary School 25 5 20.0% 430
HCS Alcohol and Drug Service 20 2 10.0% 197
St Lawrence Primary School 20 7 35.0% 717

7 - 19 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
Maison Le Pape Middle Floor 19 5 26.3% 770
Government House 17 3 17.6% 155
Government of Jersey - Maple House 10 3 30.0% 24

1 - 6 staff

Name Staff Count Riders Participation Trips
Les Quennevais Playing Fields 5 3 60.0% 1645
Les Quennevais School 3 1 33.3% 2

Our Riders

Name Department Trips kilometers
David Trott 2968 14,699
Richard Mayne Department of Economy 2032 116,638
Chris Luce Energy Recovery Facility 1820 21,312
Antony Di Santo Employment, Social Security and Housing 1793 21,948
Chris Jones Regulation - IHE 1602 51,317
Jarek Mlonka 1338 19,115
Artur Soliwoda 1254 15,053
Cirsty de Gruchy Moseley 1187 14,792
Tim Liddiard 1113 25,992
Heidi Grimes Staff 1082 8,029

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