A beer and bike loving group. If you bike to a brewery you're in. The main group rides out of New Brighton, Minnesota to the many breweries that have popped up recently.
Name | Miles | Trips |
Name | Miles | Trips |
Name | Miles | Days |
Name | Miles | Days |
Name | Miles | Trips |
Name | Trips | Miles |
VGDP 34LO | 3156 | 17,780 |
Abe Mc Eathron | 2979 | 45,945 |
Dorian Jefferson | 1800 | 61,328 |
Thomas Salm | 1348 | 5,032 |
Jamison Swift | 1084 | 10,162 |
Chuck Hauble | 782 | 9,901 |
Dale Wyttenbach | 283 | 2,908 |
Michael Tangen | 222 | 2,594 |
JON BALDVINS | 189 | 3,039 |
David Cartier | 173 | 4,456 |