Firstly, thank you for helping to get more people to experience how easy and enjoyable riding a bike can be! By getting more people riding, we make our communities, and our planet, healthier, happier, safer and enjoying all of the benefits that more people riding brings to our lives.
1) When people manually log their first ride during they'll see a message asking them:
"Who encouraged you to take part and ride for the Challenge?
They'll enter your name, select it from the list of search results, and then you'll be named as their encourager!
This means you can encourage a user any way you like (by sending them high fives, messages, or being there in person to guide and support them) - just make sure they credit you when they sign up and log that ride. Easy as that!
For people who normally log their rides with an app, they can go to their profile page and say who encouraged them.
When someone logs their first ride during the Challenge...
If the person normally logs with an app, they can assign an encourager from their profile page like this: