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ACC Wellington


We reached our goal! Over 1 million kilometres have been ridden for transportation in this year’s challenge!   Find out more

Our Goal: cycle 885 kilometers for transportation by 1st March 2024
56 kilometres for transportation down, 829 to go!


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Sarah Sinnott biked 6.2 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Sarah Sinnott biked 5.1 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Barry Phease biked 15.0 kilometers to/from work

Top Encouragers

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Total Score 1440 650 0 2090
Barry Phease 483 150 0 633
Kit Taylor 235 70 0 305
Sarah Sinnott 199 100 0 299
Aperahama Locke 124 110 0 234
Emily Dinsdale 115 30 0 145

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Staff Count
Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
BPI 50 0 0 0 0
Business Analysts 3 0 0 0 0
Clinical services 100 26 30 0 56
Communications & Engagement 40 199 100 0 299
Customer Group 3 115 30 0 145
Finance 40 0 0 0 0
Health Partnerships 100 0 0 0 0
OP&I 45 40 40 0 80
Provider Services 150 0 0 0 0
SCU 130 0 0 0 0
SEPC 100 200 160 0 360
Technology & Innovation 200 560 180 0 740
Technology & Transformation 300 0 0 0 0
Treatment Injury 50 0 0 0 0

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Distance (km)
Transport Trips
Treatment Injury 50 1 2924 160 1
Technology & Innovation 200 10 81519 3402 431
Customer Group 3 9 26458 1577 518
BPI 50 0 0 0 0
Clinical services 100 2 943 41 9
Provider Services 150 3 2364 95 85
Business Analysts 3 2 36 3 1
SCU 130 0 0 0 0
Technology & Transformation 300 1 23 2 2
Health Partnerships 100 1 235 9 7
Communications & Engagement 40 3 3375 315 121
Finance 40 0 0 0 0
OP&I 45 1 4054 427 128
SEPC 100 2 1488 176 143

Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Stephen Pepper 40,010 1,264
2nd Barry Phease 30,750 1,604
3rd Emily Dinsdale 25,228 1,445
4th Steve Whittaker 4,054 427
5th Chris Brough 3,717 157
6th Kit Taylor 3,312 126
7th Wendy O'Brien 2,925 160
8th Sarah Sinnott 2,146 212
9th Angus Taylor 1,904 71
10th G G 1,802 104
11th Jonathan Swadling 1,631 107
12th Russell Andrews 1,550 150
13th Graham Dyer 1,419 46
14th Joanna Guelland 1,354 154
15th Don Johnson 1,112 45
16th Shaun Tee 925 47
17th Sophie Aitchison 912 40
18th Leonie Henderson 853 57
19th Zoran Nesic 852 117
20th Jim Locke 811 105
21st Mike Bignall 755 30
22nd Shaun Jones 753 54
23rd Dev Veeramachaneni 689 33
24th Peter Bink 608 19
25th Lucy Watson 478 38
26th Sarah Sinnott 477 49
27th Chris Morton 440 34
28th Kirsten Malpas 351 24
29th Brian Hesketh 317 31
30th Imogen Harper 268 42

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name km Trips
1st Barry Phease 30,750 1,604
2nd Emily Dinsdale 25,228 1,445
3rd Stephen Pepper 40,010 1,264
4th Steve Whittaker 4,054 427
5th Sarah Sinnott 2,146 212
6th Wendy O'Brien 2,925 160
7th Chris Brough 3,717 157
8th Joanna Guelland 1,354 154
9th Russell Andrews 1,550 150
10th Kit Taylor 3,312 126
11th Zoran Nesic 852 117
12th Jonathan Swadling 1,631 107
13th Jim Locke 811 105
14th G G 1,802 104
15th Angus Taylor 1,904 71
16th Leonie Henderson 853 57
17th Shaun Jones 753 54
18th Sarah Sinnott 477 49
19th Shaun Tee 925 47
20th Graham Dyer 1,419 46
21st Don Johnson 1,112 45
22nd Imogen Harper 268 42
23rd Sophie Aitchison 912 40
24th Lucy Watson 478 38
25th Chris Morton 440 34
26th Dev Veeramachaneni 689 33
27th Brian Hesketh 317 31
28th S de Jong 197 31
29th Mitch Mc Clurg 196 31
30th Mike Bignall 755 30

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name km Days
1st Emily Dinsdale 3,646 278
2nd Stephen Pepper 5,274 174
3rd Barry Phease 2,477 114
4th Joanna Guelland 1,035 109
5th Sarah Sinnott 1,001 74
6th Steve Whittaker 1,151 69
7th Jim Locke 612 52
8th Graham Dyer 1,134 35
9th Lucy Watson 428 34
10th Mike Bignall 750 25
11th Mitch Mc Clurg 178 21
12th Kirsten Malpas 156 20
13th Peter Bink 608 19
14th Jenny Robertson 190 19
15th Russell Andrews 104 19
16th Imogen Harper 121 18
17th S de Jong 137 17
18th Dev Veeramachaneni 589 16
19th Brian Hesketh 297 16
20th Neville Henderson 236 13
21st Christine Bloomfield 130 13
22nd Aperahama Locke 104 12
23rd Annie Jones 210 9
24th Hugh Blackstock 110 9
25th Dael Williams 108 9
26th Annie Jones 150 6
27th Jaimee Burke 84 6
28th Don Johnson 237 5
29th Zoran Nesic 82 5
30th Jonathan Swadling 57 5

Top Commuters (Most km Riding to Work)

Name km Trips
1st Stephen Pepper 5,274 220
2nd Emily Dinsdale 3,646 394
3rd Barry Phease 2,477 168
4th Steve Whittaker 1,151 93
5th Graham Dyer 1,134 37
6th Joanna Guelland 1,035 124
7th Sarah Sinnott 1,001 98
8th Mike Bignall 750 28
9th Jim Locke 612 61
10th Peter Bink 608 19
11th Dev Veeramachaneni 589 28
12th Lucy Watson 428 34
13th Brian Hesketh 297 29
14th Don Johnson 237 7
15th Neville Henderson 236 26
16th Annie Jones 210 10
17th Jenny Robertson 190 19
18th Mitch Mc Clurg 178 27
19th Kirsten Malpas 156 20
20th Annie Jones 150 6
21st S de Jong 137 22
22nd Christine Bloomfield 130 13
23rd Imogen Harper 121 32
24th Hugh Blackstock 110 9
25th Dael Williams 108 18
26th Russell Andrews 104 26
27th Aperahama Locke 104 16
28th Leonie Henderson 89 3
29th Jaimee Burke 84 8
30th Zoran Nesic 82 5

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Aotearoa Bike Challenge 2025

  • 2,696 Workplaces
  • 17,990 Riders
  • 2,096 New riders
  • 3,517,820 Km
  • 234,024 Trips
  • 207,208 kg CO2

New Zealand All time stats

  • 7,314 Workplaces
  • 120,150 People
  • 34,869 New riders
  • 158,347,688 Km
  • 8,478,307 Rides
  • 5,361,909 kg CO2

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🚀 The Love to Ride app has landed

Automatically log rides, earn prize draw entries and make your area better for bikes! All the fun, zero effort. 

The iOS app is ready to roll and the Android version is in open testing - help us to create the most impactful biking app out there.

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