Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
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Our Goal: No Goal Set Yet!


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David Dysko biked 2.2 miles to get somewhere
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Maria Zubek biked 1.5 miles to/from work
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David Dysko biked 1.9 miles to get somewhere

Top Encouragers

Urszula Gronostajska has encouraged 8 People to ride a bike.
Daniel Walas has encouraged 3 People to ride a bike.
Maria Zubek has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
David Dysko has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.


Days Ridden
Urszula Gronostajska 0 0 0
Dominika Wnuczkowska 0 0 0
Ty Clarke 0 0 0
Daniel Walas 0 0 0
Stefan Ciubotaru 0 0 0

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Riders in challenge
Booking office 0 0% 0
Warehouse 0 0% 0
Flow Planning 0 0% 0
Kitchen 0 0% 0
Inbound 0 0% 0
RCMP 0 0% 0


Distance (miles)
Transport Trips
Booking office 11 1 48 20 1
Flow Planning 13 6 1951 729 551
Kitchen 10 1 330 144 106
Warehouse 100 13 7331 2070 1611
Inbound 10 3 188 45 12
RCMP 200 1 92 64 57

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Dave Rickards 2,900 177
2nd Juraj Svoren 1,063 873
3rd David Dysko 948 343
4th Dave Hoe 930 88
5th Lukas Gedminas 880 326
6th Marco Rodrigues 683 353
7th Viyon Wusuonitiju 611 391
8th Maria Zubek 541 290
9th Kieren Mckue 518 272
10th Nic Speed 497 32
11th Barry Butler 427 48
12th Lukasz Berlinski 381 279
13th Ty Clarke 330 144
14th Rafal Ostrowski 309 61
15th Konstantins Pankovs 249 90
16th Irena Kazakeviciute 179 46
17th Katarzyna Powalka 170 26
18th Andy Dembicki 159 67
19th Justinas Pivorius 153 28
20th Lance Stocks 127 70
21st Daniel Walas 123 27
22nd Piotr Bagnecki 102 68
23rd Olamide Hablo 92 64
24th Jurate Kemp 91 18
25th Elzbieta Beck 56 26
26th Karolina Pagacz 55 55
27th Izabela Szymanska 50 26
28th Daniel Grabowski 49 20
29th Wojciech Guzik 49 43
30th Valdis Grinfogels 30 15

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name Miles Trips
1st Juraj Svoren 1,063 873
2nd Viyon Wusuonitiju 611 391
3rd Marco Rodrigues 683 353
4th David Dysko 948 343
5th Lukas Gedminas 880 326
6th Maria Zubek 541 290
7th Lukasz Berlinski 381 279
8th Kieren Mckue 518 272
9th Dave Rickards 2,900 177
10th Ty Clarke 330 144
11th Konstantins Pankovs 249 90
12th Dave Hoe 930 88
13th Lance Stocks 127 70
14th Piotr Bagnecki 102 68
15th Andy Dembicki 159 67
16th Olamide Hablo 92 64
17th Rafal Ostrowski 309 61
18th Karolina Pagacz 55 55
19th Barry Butler 427 48
20th Irena Kazakeviciute 179 46
21st Wojciech Guzik 49 43
22nd Nic Speed 497 32
23rd Justinas Pivorius 153 28
24th Daniel Walas 123 27
25th Katarzyna Powalka 170 26
26th Elzbieta Beck 56 26
27th Izabela Szymanska 50 26
28th Daniel Grabowski 49 20
29th Jurate Kemp 91 18
30th Valdis Grinfogels 30 15

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name Miles Days
1st Juraj Svoren 177 96
2nd Ty Clarke 141 39
3rd David Dysko 137 29
4th Lukas Gedminas 140 26
5th Viyon Wusuonitiju 44 22
6th Maria Zubek 43 18
7th Daniel Walas 89 13
8th Dave Rickards 107 12
9th Lukasz Berlinski 26 12
10th Jurate Kemp 46 11
11th Lance Stocks 30 11
12th Andy Dembicki 72 9
13th Rafal Ostrowski 33 9
14th Olamide Hablo 10 9
15th Dave Hoe 44 7
16th Marco Rodrigues 17 6
17th Valdis Grinfogels 10 5
18th Izabela Szymanska 3.2 5
19th Konstantins Pankovs 16 4
20th Patricia Martins 14 3
21st Karolina Pagacz 2.5 3
22nd Justinas Pivorius 9.4 2
23rd Kieren Mckue 5.8 2
24th Irena Kazakeviciute 4.9 2
25th Stefan Ciubotaru 2.9 2
26th Barry Butler 2.7 1
27th Lukasz Mroczka 1.2 1
28th Piotr Bagnecki 0.6 1
29th Wojciech Guzik 0.5 1
30th Robert Mc Donagh 0.4 1

Top Commuters (Most Miles Riding to Work)

Name Miles Trips
1st Juraj Svoren 177 156
2nd Ty Clarke 141 77
3rd Lukas Gedminas 140 53
4th David Dysko 137 37
5th Dave Rickards 107 22
6th Daniel Walas 89 20
7th Andy Dembicki 72 16
8th Jurate Kemp 46 11
9th Dave Hoe 44 10
10th Viyon Wusuonitiju 44 23
11th Maria Zubek 43 25
12th Rafal Ostrowski 33 12
13th Lance Stocks 30 19
14th Lukasz Berlinski 26 23
15th Marco Rodrigues 17 7
16th Konstantins Pankovs 16 5
17th Patricia Martins 14 4
18th Olamide Hablo 10 9
19th Valdis Grinfogels 10 5
20th Justinas Pivorius 9.4 3
21st Kieren Mckue 5.8 2
22nd Irena Kazakeviciute 4.9 2
23rd Izabela Szymanska 3.2 5
24th Stefan Ciubotaru 2.9 2
25th Barry Butler 2.7 1
26th Karolina Pagacz 2.5 3
27th Lukasz Mroczka 1.2 1
28th Piotr Bagnecki 0.6 1
29th Wojciech Guzik 0.5 1
30th Robert Mc Donagh 0.4 1

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Ride Anywhere Week - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Registrations

  • 169 People

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  • 593 Workplaces
  • 13,251 People
  • 1,226 New riders
  • 10,402,497 Miles
  • 855,770 Rides
  • 1,831,276 lb CO2

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