The World

Welcome to Love to Ride

You’ve arrived at the home of biking encouragement.
Hop on your bikes, join a community, learn new bike skills, and win prizes!

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Hey there bike beginners, regular riders and everyone in between! 

We're on a mission to get the world on bikes, and we'd love to have you along for the ride.

With Love to Ride, you can track your bike miles, see your carbon savings, set goals, and find help and support to ride more often. Download our new iOS app (Android coming soon) to make your ride tracking a breeze.

Cycle September is here and you’re invited to take part! Would you like to get involved and win prizes for riding a bike?

Your news

Love to Ride for Business

Love to Ride for Business can help your workplace have healthier, happier, more productive staff. It's a proven program used by more than 8,000 companies worldwide.

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Don Mac Dougall biked 8.0 kilometres to/from work
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Marjoleine Stuiver biked 21.5 kilometres fun/fitness
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Shannon White biked 11.0 kilometres fun/fitness


I ride because I can.
I ride because my girlfriend works at ferg burger
I ride because I love food and the two go together well!

The World All time stats

  • 45,380 Workplaces
  • 753,644 People
  • 174,103 New riders
  • 1,292,209,804 Km
  • 58,203,430 Rides
  • 39,373,169 kg CO2

Your news

Love to Ride for Business

Love to Ride for Business can help your workplace have healthier, happier, more productive staff. It's a proven program used by more than 8,000 companies worldwide.

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