We reached our goal! Over 1 million kilometres have been ridden for transportation in this year’s challenge!   Find out more

Our Goal: cycle 375 kilometers for transportation by 1st March 2024
3 kilometres for transportation down, 372 to go!


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Clinton Jensen biked 2.8 kilometers to get somewhere
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Joe Gallagher biked 12.0 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Richard Groenendal biked 35.0 kilometers for fun/fitness

Top Encouragers

Katie Bracewell has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Total Score 909 570 100 1579
Richard Groenendal 312 120 0 432
Tim Wright 172 140 0 312
Clinton Jensen 130 90 0 220
Brandon Bucher 119 90 0 209
Joe Gallagher 94 80 0 174

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Staff Count
Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Education 30 228 160 100 488
Emily 1 0 0 0 0
Finance 3 28 30 0 58
Marketing 9 94 80 0 174
Research 13 560 300 0 860


Distance (km)
Transport Trips
Marketing 9 3 3759 318 24
Education 30 8 1718 139 91
Finance 3 2 1818 128 5
Research 13 10 14876 786 165
Emily 1 1 18 3 1

Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Karl Bailey 9,109 248
2nd Joe Gallagher 3,608 300
3rd Brandon Bucher 2,279 228
4th Clinton Jensen 1,966 171
5th Lisa Neil 1,435 108
6th Richard Groenendal 773 43
7th Tim Wright 538 40
8th Caro Focke 533 45
9th Matt Menzies 383 20
10th Jessica Beevis 297 7
11th Grant Baxter 244 29
12th Liam Farley 212 37
13th Sam Harrison 175 33
14th Amy Heinrich 155 13
15th Grant Baxter 147 13
16th Rosalie Morrow 94 9
17th C Ham 86 19
18th C Ham 75 9
19th Karl Van Workum 58 7
20th Carly Crossan 57 9
21st Le Ying Tran 52 6
22nd James Mc Kenzie 50 5
23rd John Gee 39 1
24th Victoria B 31 2
25th Alannah Harris 28 3
26th Emily Lucas 18 3
27th Katie Bracewell 17 1

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name km Trips
1st Joe Gallagher 3,608 300
2nd Karl Bailey 9,109 248
3rd Brandon Bucher 2,279 228
4th Clinton Jensen 1,966 171
5th Lisa Neil 1,435 108
6th Caro Focke 533 45
7th Richard Groenendal 773 43
8th Tim Wright 538 40
9th Liam Farley 212 37
10th Sam Harrison 175 33
11th Grant Baxter 244 29
12th Matt Menzies 383 20
13th C Ham 86 19
14th Amy Heinrich 155 13
15th Grant Baxter 147 13
16th Rosalie Morrow 94 9
17th C Ham 75 9
18th Carly Crossan 57 9
19th Jessica Beevis 297 7
20th Karl Van Workum 58 7
21st Le Ying Tran 52 6
22nd James Mc Kenzie 50 5
23rd Alannah Harris 28 3
24th Emily Lucas 18 3
25th Victoria B 31 2
26th John Gee 39 1
27th Katie Bracewell 17 1

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name km Days
1st Caro Focke 270 26
2nd Richard Groenendal 235 23
3rd Brandon Bucher 198 23
4th Tim Wright 176 23
5th Liam Farley 92 22
6th Grant Baxter 244 18
7th Sam Harrison 128 16
8th Grant Baxter 147 13
9th C Ham 59 9
10th Joe Gallagher 75 8
11th Rosalie Morrow 66 8
12th Clinton Jensen 58 7
13th C Ham 49 7
14th Karl Bailey 23 5
15th Lisa Neil 29 3
16th Karl Van Workum 7.9 1
17th Matt Menzies 4 1

Top Commuters (Most km Riding to Work)

Name km Trips
1st Caro Focke 270 30
2nd Grant Baxter 244 29
3rd Richard Groenendal 235 23
4th Brandon Bucher 198 23
5th Tim Wright 176 23
6th Grant Baxter 147 13
7th Sam Harrison 128 32
8th Liam Farley 92 25
9th Joe Gallagher 75 8
10th Rosalie Morrow 66 8
11th C Ham 59 18
12th Clinton Jensen 58 7
13th C Ham 49 7
14th Lisa Neil 29 3
15th Karl Bailey 23 5
16th Karl Van Workum 7.9 2
17th Matt Menzies 4 1

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27 people are already registered

Aotearoa Bike Challenge 2025 - Dunedin

  • 93 Workplaces
  • 953 Riders
  • 126 New riders
  • 163,795 Km
  • 12,473 Trips
  • 9,706 kg CO2

Dunedin All time stats

  • 204 Workplaces
  • 3,962 People
  • 1,071 New riders
  • 4,631,747 Km
  • 270,025 Rides
  • 174,082 kg CO2

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🚀 The Love to Ride app has landed

Automatically log rides, earn prize draw entries and make your area better for bikes! All the fun, zero effort. 

The iOS app is ready to roll and the Android version is in open testing - help us to create the most impactful biking app out there.

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