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Naylor Love - Central Otago

Our Goal: cycle 330 kilometers for transportation by 1st March 2024
Goal Completed
Goal Completed


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Andrew Chand biked 11.0 kilometers for fun/fitness
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Michael Robson biked 14.0 kilometers to/from work
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Andrew Chand biked 17.0 kilometers for fun/fitness

Top Encouragers

Mark Heritage has encouraged 3 People to ride a bike.
Andy Strachan has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Michael Robson has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Marcelle Moore has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Total Score 3869 1300 100 5269
Michael Robson 1158 220 50 1428
Barnaby Lamb 665 110 0 775
Steve Gallagher 445 260 0 705
Vincent Willcock 362 190 0 552
Mark Heritage 162 110 50 322

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Staff Count
Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Naylor Love Central Otago 68 2760 930 100 3790


Distance (km)
Transport Trips
Naylor Love Central Otago 68 27 58948 3704 1235

Top Riders (Most km)

Name km Trips
1st Eion Smith 16,424 1,512
2nd Michael Robson 10,388 650
3rd Kenneth Howie 6,877 269
4th Mark Heritage 6,336 249
5th Thomas Morgan 2,707 105
6th Andrew Blackford 2,365 128
7th John Seely 2,278 207
8th Steven Gallagher 1,979 162
9th Damien Bw 1,587 48
10th Vincent Willcock 1,563 88
11th Jamie Smith 1,560 36
12th Moira Macdonald 1,363 34
13th Morgan Dill 1,178 133
14th Robin Bashford 1,158 70
15th Andy Strachan 941 49
16th Barnaby Lamb 868 15
17th Marcelle Moore 567 35
18th Dermot Murphy 550 61
19th Bruce Halligan 534 33
20th Steve Gallagher 445 36
21st Chris Frewen 435 43
22nd Andrew Chand 400 20
23rd Claire Paxton 314 27
24th Curtis Luff 285 13
25th Simoe White 135 9
26th Shane Gilder 105 10
27th Claire Paxton 38 4
28th Greg Boland 18 1
29th Liam Shepherd 12 1
30th Gabrielle de Lima Piassum 5.4 1

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name km Trips
1st Eion Smith 16,424 1,512
2nd Michael Robson 10,388 650
3rd Kenneth Howie 6,877 269
4th Mark Heritage 6,336 249
5th John Seely 2,278 207
6th Steven Gallagher 1,979 162
7th Morgan Dill 1,178 133
8th Andrew Blackford 2,365 128
9th Thomas Morgan 2,707 105
10th Vincent Willcock 1,563 88
11th Robin Bashford 1,158 70
12th Dermot Murphy 550 61
13th Andy Strachan 941 49
14th Damien Bw 1,587 48
15th Chris Frewen 435 43
16th Jamie Smith 1,560 36
17th Steve Gallagher 445 36
18th Marcelle Moore 567 35
19th Moira Macdonald 1,363 34
20th Bruce Halligan 534 33
21st Claire Paxton 314 27
22nd Andrew Chand 400 20
23rd Barnaby Lamb 868 15
24th Curtis Luff 285 13
25th Shane Gilder 105 10
26th Simoe White 135 9
27th Claire Paxton 38 4
28th Greg Boland 18 1
29th Liam Shepherd 12 1
30th Gabrielle de Lima Piassum 5.4 1

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name km Days
1st Eion Smith 5,526 414
2nd Michael Robson 1,834 179
3rd Morgan Dill 300 55
4th Vincent Willcock 670 47
5th John Seely 363 47
6th Mark Heritage 656 36
7th Andrew Blackford 448 33
8th Robin Bashford 309 25
9th Dermot Murphy 99 22
10th Kenneth Howie 212 9
11th Chris Frewen 66 6
12th Bruce Halligan 40 6
13th Thomas Morgan 85 5
14th Curtis Luff 33 4
15th Claire Paxton 31 4
16th Steven Gallagher 19 3
17th Jamie Smith 35 2
18th Simoe White 12 1
19th Marcelle Moore 8 1
20th Andy Strachan 4.9 1

Top Commuters (Most km Riding to Work)

Name km Trips
1st Eion Smith 5,526 595
2nd Michael Robson 1,834 236
3rd Vincent Willcock 670 50
4th Mark Heritage 656 37
5th Andrew Blackford 448 40
6th John Seely 363 50
7th Robin Bashford 309 25
8th Morgan Dill 300 63
9th Kenneth Howie 212 9
10th Dermot Murphy 99 25
11th Thomas Morgan 85 7
12th Chris Frewen 66 10
13th Bruce Halligan 40 6
14th Jamie Smith 35 3
15th Curtis Luff 33 4
16th Claire Paxton 31 4
17th Steven Gallagher 19 3
18th Simoe White 12 1
19th Marcelle Moore 8 1
20th Andy Strachan 4.9 1

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  • 222 Workplaces
  • 2,590 People
  • 585 New riders
  • 2,583,820 Km
  • 139,264 Rides
  • 69,055 kg CO2

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The iOS app is ready to roll and the Android version is in open testing - help us to create the most impactful biking app out there.

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