Our Goal: ride 4 rides by 3rd July 2024
Goal Completed
Goal Completed


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Gareth Reast biked 5.0 miles for fun/fitness
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Chris Martin biked 2.1 miles to/from work
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Damo Holberry biked 5.4 miles for fun/fitness

Top Encouragers

Gareth Reast has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Robert Dixon has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Chris Martin has encouraged 2 People to ride a bike.
Tina Harrop has encouraged 1 person to ride a bike.

Your Leaderboards


Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points

Points for riding start on Thursday 1st May

Total Score 0 0 0 0
Rebecca Lester 0 0 0 0

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Staff Count
Distance Points
Day Points
Encourager Points
Total Points
Corporate 6 0 0 0 0
Corporate Shipbuilding 50 0 0 0 0
Cunard Revenue Management 30 0 0 0 0
Cunard Sales and Marketing 14 0 0 0 0
Customer Contact Centre 300 0 0 0 0
Facilities 13 0 0 0 0
Head Office 1700 0 0 0 0
Insight & Data Science 20 0 0 0 0
Maritime 120 0 0 0 0
Personal Cruise Specialists 30 0 0 0 0
Supply Chain & Procurement 80 0 0 0 0
Technology 120 0 0 0 0

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Distance (miles)
Transport Trips
Insight & Data Science 20 0 0 0 0
Customer Contact Centre 300 2 16 6 4
Personal Cruise Specialists 30 1 239 50 18
Maritime 120 1 101 20 4
Head Office 1700 25 31642 3943 2799
Supply Chain & Procurement 80 3 340 80 42
Technology 120 4 6613 758 304
Corporate Shipbuilding 50 1 100 43 39
Facilities 13 1 182 20 19
Cunard Revenue Management 30 1 49 5 5
Corporate 6 2 1263 116 104
Cunard Sales and Marketing 14 3 859 174 121

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Ian Ball 10,332 1,573
2nd Tom Harvey 7,508 424
3rd Chris Martin 6,436 711
4th Renate Zabel 6,020 404
5th Robert Dixon 4,408 311
6th Matthew S 2,215 282
7th Claire Buckingham 1,828 157
8th Bernard Quinn 1,681 359
9th Neil Vincent 1,423 34
10th Damo Holberry 1,335 451
11th Craig Baker 1,174 115
12th kelly-marie gregg-yau 1,100 123
13th Aiga Jansone 1,002 91
14th Lee Kirby 903 397
15th Tom Axton 895 99
16th Rebecca Lester 847 133
17th Kane Allen 811 101
18th Laura Quinn 749 179
19th David Kemp 579 252
20th Becky Diggle 577 41
21st Gareth Reast 564 114
22nd Lloyd Fuller 463 40
23rd Raymond Redfern 461 147
24th Laura Hooper 427 327
25th Faine Bellord 301 88
26th Jack Brooke 274 72
27th Andrew Menzies 272 17
28th Louise Gould 264 28
29th Mike Goulding 261 25
30th Tyrone Hayward 239 50

Top Riders (Most Rides)

Name Miles Trips
1st Ian Ball 10,332 1,573
2nd Chris Martin 6,436 711
3rd Damo Holberry 1,335 451
4th Tom Harvey 7,508 424
5th Renate Zabel 6,020 404
6th Lee Kirby 903 397
7th Bernard Quinn 1,681 359
8th Laura Hooper 427 327
9th Robert Dixon 4,408 311
10th Matthew S 2,215 282
11th David Kemp 579 252
12th Laura Quinn 749 179
13th Claire Buckingham 1,828 157
14th Raymond Redfern 461 147
15th Rebecca Lester 847 133
16th kelly-marie gregg-yau 1,100 123
17th Craig Baker 1,174 115
18th Gareth Reast 564 114
19th Kane Allen 811 101
20th Tom Axton 895 99
21st Aiga Jansone 1,002 91
22nd Faine Bellord 301 88
23rd Jack Brooke 274 72
24th Tyrone Hayward 239 50
25th Lynsey Powell 100 43
26th Becky Diggle 577 41
27th Lloyd Fuller 463 40
28th Neil Vincent 1,423 34
29th Paige Briscoe 159 30
30th Stephen Keen 136 30

Top Commuters (Most Days Riding to Work)

Name Miles Days
1st Robert Dixon 4,084 284
2nd Ian Ball 2,471 254
3rd Damo Holberry 1,181 219
4th Tom Harvey 3,527 178
5th Chris Martin 1,179 172
6th Laura Hooper 424 170
7th Bernard Quinn 1,300 166
8th Lee Kirby 525 159
9th Raymond Redfern 457 73
10th Tom Axton 754 54
11th Craig Baker 963 49
12th Aiga Jansone 922 43
13th Rebecca Lester 188 43
14th Laura Quinn 227 40
15th Matthew S 532 38
16th kelly-marie gregg-yau 523 34
17th Faine Bellord 150 28
18th Lloyd Fuller 308 24
19th Gareth Reast 234 24
20th Paige Briscoe 152 24
21st Andrew Menzies 272 17
22nd Lynsey Powell 40 14
23rd Renate Zabel 88 13
24th Stephen Keen 126 12
25th Tyrone Hayward 96 12
26th Jack Brooke 25 12
27th Wendy Ross 174 11
28th Chris Peck 140 10
29th Mike Goulding 143 9
30th Claire Buckingham 111 9

Top Commuters (Most Miles Riding to Work)

Name Miles Trips
1st Robert Dixon 4,084 293
2nd Tom Harvey 3,527 348
3rd Ian Ball 2,471 490
4th Bernard Quinn 1,300 292
5th Damo Holberry 1,181 416
6th Chris Martin 1,179 276
7th Craig Baker 963 91
8th Aiga Jansone 922 86
9th Tom Axton 754 91
10th Matthew S 532 73
11th Lee Kirby 525 232
12th kelly-marie gregg-yau 523 36
13th Raymond Redfern 457 145
14th Laura Hooper 424 325
15th Lloyd Fuller 308 33
16th Andrew Menzies 272 17
17th Gareth Reast 234 31
18th Laura Quinn 227 50
19th Rebecca Lester 188 59
20th Wendy Ross 174 19
21st Paige Briscoe 152 29
22nd Faine Bellord 150 58
23rd Mike Goulding 143 16
24th Chris Peck 140 10
25th Stephen Keen 126 24
26th Claire Buckingham 111 15
27th Gemma Pullen 109 10
28th Tyrone Hayward 96 17
29th Renate Zabel 88 14
30th Gareth Reast 84 4

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